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2 Gannett Westchester Newspapersriday August 24 1990 Section MARKETS AT THE CLOSE TRADING THURSDAY Dow drops to 1 year low Heavy selling sent stock prices tumbling to teir lowest levels in more than a year yesterday as runaway oil prices and fears of war in the Middle East kept the financial markets in turmoil The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials plunged 7673 points to 248342 its lowest close since it stood at 246244 on July 6 1989 Since July 17 the average has fallen 51633 points or 172 percent Declining issues overwhelmed advances by about 11 to 1 on the New York Stock Exchange with 148 up 1645 down and 242 unchanged Volume on the floor of the Big Board reached 25044 million shares up from 17555 million in the previous session Analysts said there was little question about where US stock prices were headed as Wall Streeters came to work yesterday morning The Dow Jones industrial average had fallen more than 96 points in the last two sessions The slide in stocks picked up momentum late Wednesday as the price of oil surged past $30 a barrel to levels nearly double where it stood at the beginning of the summer Losers among the blue chips yesterday included General Electric down 1 at 58 Philip Morris down 1 at 41 Boeing down 2 at 42 and IBM down 2 at 96 Nationwide consolidated volume in NYSE listed issues including trades in those stocks on regional exchanges and in the over the counter market totaled 29829 million shares Domestic auto sales slide 47 percent Mid August vehicle sales by the major automakers fell 47 percent from the same period last year although General Motors Corp and ord Motor Co reported strong truck sales yesterday The figures indicated no dramatic effect on sales due to rising gasoline prices spurred by tension in the Mideast It was the first full vehicle sales period since Iraq invaded oil rich Kuwait on Aug 2 The Big Three automakers GM ord and Chrylser Corp said their cars and trucks sold at an average daily rate of 32674 during the Aug 11 20 period compared with a daily rate of 34290 during the same time last year Car sales fell 10 percent while truck sales rose 51 percent based on strong sales of GM and ord vehicles Trucks as a class are less fuel efficient than cars and a rise in the truck sales figures indicates consumers did not shy away from gas gulpers in favor of gas sippers Sales of cars made by the Big Three tumbled 173 percent while sales of North American made cars bearing Japanese nameplates rose 451 percent GM which operates an assembly plant in North Tarrytown said its mid August vehicle sales were down 61 percent this year as a 13 percent rise in truck sales was offset by a 101 percent decline in car sales or the year car sales were down 61 percent and truck sales were up 17 percent combining for a 35 percent decline in vehicle sales GM ord submit contract proposals The United Auto Workers union yesterday mulled over the first comprehensive contract proposals from two of the Big Three automakers and waited for a third today The union took the proposals from General Motors Corp and ord Motor Co under advisem*nt and negotiators huddled privately to dissect them Their contents remain a mystery GM issued a statement saying only that a proposal for a new three year national contract had been given to the union ord and the UAW said there would be no statements and union members in locals around the country said they knew nothing about the details of the proposals The Chrysler Corp proposal was due today New president steps in at CBS News David Burke CBS fifth president in five years was out yesterday and Eric Ober in as his successor as the once troubled division was back in the headlines after two years of relative calm Burke 54 a former ABC News executive vice president who CBS hired in August 1988 did not return phone calls But he strongly hinted in a statement that he had been forced out is clear to me following amicable discussions with the management of CBS that they would be more comfortable about the future of the news division under new leadership have the right to make that he said pledging to help Ober 48 The latter has spent 24 years at CBS including stints in CBS News He currently heads television stations division New wing may be boon for airlines Tests show that airlines could save hundreds of millions of dollars in fuel costs with a new wing design that reduces drag from air flowing over a passenger wings NASA said yesterday A joint government industry flight test program produced results that were much better than expected said officials of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration The tests were conducted for five months on a Boeing 757 on which a 22 foot wing section had been replaced by a wing surface designed to produce a smooth air flow the space agency said If the modification had been made along the entire wingspan on both sides drag would have been reduced by 10 percent the space agency said Each percent of drag eliminated by the US transport fleet would result in an annual fuel savings of $100 million for the industry NASA said The modified wing section includes millions of tiny laser drilled holes in a titanium skin covered by a flap along the leading edge to shield against insects and dirt during takeoffs and landings The holes create a suction effect that diverts turbulent air from the surface of the wing and allows a smoother air flow bill interest rates climb Interest rates on 52 week Treasury bills rose in auction to the highest level in two months The average discount rate was 740 percent up from 734 percent at the last auction on July 26 It was the highest rate since 52 week bills averaged 752 percent on June 28 The bills will carry an equivalent coupon interest rate of 795 percent with each $10000 in face value selling for $925180 Sales tot aled $1052 billion out of bids of $2448 billion Compiled from The Associated Press 47 52 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE 88 84 84 48 16 2 7 7 Vb 160 11V Vb 18 4 2 20 pfG 19 Vt 84 40 92 56 Va 116 50 44' 76 9 108 24 28 2'4 1 90 1 TmW pfD550 64 72 10 Vi 48 120a 202 20 16 SmtB eql30e 20 70 16 1 LIL 10'4 180 140 77 23b 172t 83e 80 Walgrn 80 42'4 WalCS 46 92 56e 108 32 116 48 MACOM 4 1 48 12 30 80 44a 081 60 180 20 20 90 It Vb 76 20 75 72 Yi 80 le 28 80 78 80 292 28 110 126e 106 28 Vb 126 Vb 20 15 20 40 Vt Vt 60 Chse pf403e 44 140 72 82 30 140 80 Vb 38'4 12 60 60a 52 34e 141e Exxon 240 MUTUAL UNDS 32e 120 Sei Buy Chg '21 Invst: 10 10'68 960 290 Bal 1314 10 912 J6 Si 42 680 16 116 206 '4 Vb ds: amily: 2 le unds: 939 14 Vi Co: 11 5e 7 '4 9258 194 Gp: 24 iioe 971 21 132 140 Advant: Vi Bdp 1032 1032 4 Vi Vi 4 Group: 210 BkB pfB324e 142 ArielA 1313 76 WshA 92 180 Tx 01 Cappielo: 2530 943 10 1 Vb 64 1090 943 02 02 1110 2 8626 239 unds: Selects: '4 Vi Vi Vb GTEI pfl30 Vi GTEI pf816 Vi 35 68 Vi 22 Vb unds: 40 Vi 12'21 3 1285 48 Vi 8'4 984 1033 14 116 03 04 1504 45 Sir 29 44 48 und: 1017 19 08 Vi 19 37 1520 Siebel: Group: 49 08 75 St 72 13 16 Please see MUTUAL UNDS B3 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pf44O PaPL pf450 PaPL pf860 PaPL pr840 Pennzol 3 PeopEn 166 PepBoy 12 PepsiCo 120 Pepsc wi Perk 120e PerkEI 68 Prmian 46e PrLP prl15 PeryDr PetRs 240e PetRs pfl57 Pfizer 240 PhelpD 3a PhilaEI 120 mt PhE PhE PhE PhE Upjohn 1 JSLIE 148 jsrerItilirn UtilCo prl77 Wstvco 1 Weyerh 120 Weyer pr262 Chse pfG262 Chse pfH244 Chaus Chemed 196 ChmBnk 272 ChBk 76 ChB PfC87e ChBk pf459e ChBk pf401e ChB dPf269 unwsie Chspk Chevrn ChiMlw Chile Chilis Chiquta Chkull ChrisCr Christn Chrvclr Chubb sl32 ChrDwt 32 Chyron Cilcorp 246 CinnBel 76 CinGE 240 CinG Pf 475 CinG pf 930 CinG Pf 744 uinu pr CinMit ClneOd viCircK CirCty Citicorp 178 Citcp pf 6e Citcp pfA 7e Citcp pfC228 VIZ0VP CtyNC City Bep ClairSt ClarkE ClaytH ClemGlb ClvCIf Clnrmr ClubMd 30 Coachm 20 CoastSv 40 Coastal 40 CocaCI 80 CocaCE 05 Coeur I5e ColeMy 105e ColgP 180 ColgP pf425 Coids 20 ColHIn 83 Collin nl26 CollHI 108 Col Inv 93 ColMu 72 ColGas 220 comais CmIMtl Comdre mw CwE pr 190 CwE pr 2 CwE pr 237 CwE pf 287 CwE Pf 840 CwE pr 724 ComES 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Clipper Colonial AGoid CaiTE CpCsh CCsli Dvsdln und GvSec Gwth HiYId Incom IncPIs IntEq MATv Ml TE MN TE NY TE SunCo Sunst gnnMn SunM pfl19 SunTrst 84 Suprd 32 SupValu 66 Suplnd s28b owrteiv SybITc Synovs Syntex Sysco SystCt 1071 21 1180 38 1034 1034 05 1378 35 Group: 1447 40 1138 30 1640 29 1586 50 eu 601 839 960 765 1043 1104 20 03 17 29 79 04 30 1012 1126 932 1164 1010 9 1438 42 939 20 996 33 you iy VistaCh VistaRs Vivra VolCC Vons Vornad VulcM WICOR WMS WPLH iAahan Wackht 60 22 Wahlco 4 Wainoc 9'4 Vt WalMt 5 14 OU 172 WrnCpt WarnL Si 32 57 WashGs 204 28 WshNat 108 18 WshPst 4 228 WshWt 248 9660 135 24092 32 928 72 1030 04 986 38 646012 52 week low' Dividend of earnings in Canadian money Stock trades in US dollars No yield or unless stated in US money Temporary exception to NASDAQ qualifications New Issue In the past 52 weeks The high low range begins with the start of trading and does not cover the entire 52 week period Split or stock dividend oi 25 percent or more in the past 52 weeks The high low range Is adjusted from the old stock Dividend begins with the date of split or stock dividend Trading haltedon primary market Unless otherwise noted rates of dividends in the foregoing table are annual disbursem*nts based on the last quarterly or semi annual declara tion Special or extra dividends or payments not designated as regular are Identified in the following footnotes Also extra or extras Annual rate plus stock dividend Liquidat ing dividend Declared or paid in preceding 1 2 months Declared or paid after stock dividend or split up Paid this year dividend omitted deferred or no action taken at last dividend meeting Declared or paid this year an accumulative issue with dividends in arrears Declared or paid in preced ing 12 monlhs plus stock dividend Paid in stock in preceding 12 months estimated cash value on ex dividend or ex distribution date Ex dividend or ex rlghts Ex dividend and sales In full Sales in full When distributed When Issued With warrants Without warrants In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed by such companies 2048 TollBro Tonka TrvMRI Trchmk 140 Toro 48 Tosco 60 Tosco pf238 TotiSys 28e ToyRU Tramel 70e TWA Pf 225 Transm 192 Tranlnc 216 TrnatH Trfrla a Afl Trnscap 154e Transco 136 43 Trnsc Pf475 51 TranEx 985c 3'i 1 ransc ii TrRty wi TrnsTec 481 Travler 240 Tredgr 24 TriCon 339e TriCn pf25O irioune Trinty Tri nova TritonG TritEng TritE Pf TucsEP Tultex Turk TwinDs TycoLb Tyler 38 160 30 2149 33 37 09 30 11052 7R DryStG lj)8 DrySM 70 duPont si 60 OuPnt pf450 DuffPh 76e DukeP 328 Duke pf870 Duke pf 820 Duke Pf 780 Duk pfM884 Duke pf838 DukeRt 68 DunBrd 212 Duq pfA210 Duq Pf 2 Duq PTK210 Duq pr 231 DynAm 30 8 2324820 UnTech 180 Jnitel 1 UYYK Imtrrt Jmvar 30 JnvICp 148 Jnvd 68 JnvHR 148Match JnMd JMd PfB Jnocal 70 UnocEx 178e 88 28 1 1 50 108 120 14682 23294e946872 248 825 1132 1235 604 AAD ACM 101 ACMIn 126 ACMM nl01 ACMMM 150 ACM SC 136 ACMSP 101 AL Lab 16 AM Inti AMIn pf 2 AMR ANR pf 267 ARX ASA 3a AbtLdb S84 Zkbitibi 30 Mtnier AcmeE AdaEx 206e Adobe Adob pf 184 Adob Pf 240 AMD pf Arlwact AetnLf 276 Ahmans 88 Aileen AirPrd 144 Airrt 30 Airgas Airiease 252 AlaP pf207e AlaP dpf87 AlaP Pf 9 AlaP pf 944 AlaP Pf 838 Albnyln 35 Alberto 30 AlCulA 30 Albtsn 48 Aican 1 AlCoStd AlexAlx Alexdr AliegCp 1 viAlglnt All nfC AlgLud $88 AllgPw 316 AllenG Allen pfI75 Alergn 26e AlnCap 170e aiivie AIINEu AllSh pf297 AlldPd AldSgnl 180 AMIT 78a AMIT2 n73a AMIT3 64 AMIO 84a AMI02 72 am 1 AMPI n69a ALTEL 128 Aicoa AmaxG Amax AmBas AmrAd viAmdur AmMfic AmAdi 92 ABarck s10 AmBrnd 272 14035e 1269 1332 05 2338 2481 33 1448 1520 02 2868 3043 69 1410 34 1317 1383 03 GATX LIO GATX pfA387 78 4 Vb 3 16 2' 1 Vt BaronA 1136 1136 52 samen runas: aasvi ixedi VI Inti Bascom Beac Hill BellAtBd BellAtEq Benham CaffL Catfln CatfH CaTI GNMA Goldin NITI NITL Tgl990 Tgl995 Tg2000 Tg2005 Tg2010 Tg2015 Tg2020 Kinta Berger Group: iw 101 Bernstein GvSh ShtDur IntDur DivMu NYMu BlanPr 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SchrPI sl12 senimo Schwb Schwtz Cr IAti Scotmn 10 ScottP 80 ScudNA 156e ScdNE SeaCnt 140 SeaCt pfl46 SeaC pfB210 SeaC pfC210 Seagul SealAr SecPac 252 SlgSel 84 SequaA 60 SequaB 50 Sequa pf 5 avcevy SvMer Svcmst Shaw ghaujKit Shelby 24 Shellfr 243e bnrwin ghnnav Showbt 10 SierPac 184 SgnlApI Signet SilcnGr Singph Sizeler 156 Kyiine SthCor gmithln SmthBc 130e 4 26 1 Vt NtSemi NtSem pf 4 NSem wt Niavin NlgtAnrl NtIWst 238e NatHP 166 Navistr Nav wtA Nav wtB Nav wtC Nav pfG 6 nteiiTinn Nerco Mtuwkn NevPw 160 NewAm 72 NEngEI 204 NGerm NJRsc 148 NPInRI 110 NYSEG 208 NYS Pf 375 NYS Pf 212 Newell 50 Newhal s80 NwmtG 05 NwtMg 60 NewsCp 13e NewCp pf350 12 Vb Vt iit 7V Vb 15 Vb TchSym Tektrnx 60 Telcorn Teldyn 80 Telef 155e Templl 80 TemplE 33e TpGGv 90 TmpGIb 90 TmpIVI 43e Tennco 320 Torr rw 7 Art Tepco 220 16 Terdyn 6 Tesor pf54k 4 iexaco ja Txc pfC309e Texlnst 72 TexUtll 296 Texfi Texfi pfB Textron 1 Textr pf208 Thadc ThaiC Thai 245e ThrmEI Thiokl 30 i nmoei Thomln TMAM Tidwtr Tifany TirrxaW 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8426e 162 126e 46 163 172 40 2685272 240 40a 264 64 24 12028 3 13650 52e52402032606060 4301 370203063452 L1284 lOe5040 36 03e9032 DCNY DPL DQE DalSem DanaCp Danher Daniel DataGn riatant DtaDsg DavWtr 30 DaytHd 132 untanra DWGI Deere divai DelmPL 154 uetraAr DeltaW Deltona Deluxe DensMf DeSoto rtotrt DetE Pf932 DetE pf 768 DetE pf745 DE pr 275 DE prB 275 Dexter 88 DiagPd 24 Dial RE168 DiaSO 22 uiaonm PliAnAPn Diebold 150 DigtlCm uignai Dillard DimeNY 60 uisney DEI Divrsln DomRs Domtar Donald Donlley DowCh $260 DowJns 76 Downy 28 UldVU Dresr Dreyfus DryStrt 112 13280 106 134 120203016 11 4 1 27 Vt 1 21 4 3 74 34 7 HQ Hit HRE Hadson HallB Hall pfB Halbtn Halwod Hancb Man lg Han JI 184a Handlm 40 i ianari Wanna Hanfrd 44 rianson Hans wt 1 larRr 1 HarBJ pf24t HdiKen Hartnd Harley Harman Harnish Harsco 120 HrtfdSt 180 Hartmx 60 HattSe 156a HawEI 216 HltRhb 116 HlthCP 298e HlthEq 108 HltsthR HeclaM 05e neuiy Heinz HeleneC MalmP Herculs 224 nrsney HewIPk Hexcei Hibern HiShear Hilnco Hindi 1 Hilnlli 1 HiYId 1 HiYdPI 1 Hillnbd HillDep Hilton Hitachi Holnm Mmsn Hmln pf295 HomeSh Hmed 20 Hmeplx 50e Hmstke 20 Hmstd HmB Honda 17e Honwell 275 HK Tel 108e HoprSol HrzHlt Hormel s26 Horsh Honinv HougM Mnnah Houslnt 214 Holnt pf625 Holnt pfA Houlnd 296 HouOR 08e HowICp 28 nuuro Hnffv Hughs 36 riuman HuntMf Hntgln Huntwy Hydral Hypm ManhNt ManrCr 13 Manpwr 34e MfrHan 328 MfrH pf457e MfrH pf406e MfrH pf274 Manvlle Manvl pf Manvl wt MAPCO 1 marcoe AAarMD Maritrn 115 MrkIV slOb Marriot 28 MrshMc 260 Mrshln wanvi Macro MasCp 280 MacPrt RRa Matsu 62e 118 Mattel 06e 15 MauLoa 11 8e 6048e 204 1363012 IBP ICM ICN Ph I Inri IMC rtl08 iiNAtn IPTimb IDT ITT Cp 160 ITT pfK 4 ITT pfO 5 ITT pfN 225 IdahoP 186 Idex ttIPowr 1 1 row IIPow IIPow IIPow IIPow IIPow IIPow IIPow ITW tmeera Imolnd ICI INCO IndiM pf215 IndiM pf225 IndiEn 136 Indon IngerRd 132 niiudit i InspRs Integra Integ pf Intelcal Intlog IntRn ItcpSe Interco Intrlke intAlu IBM intlav IntMult 1 IntPap intIRec IntRed IT Crp intpbGp IntstPw Intrtan In ihn lowllG S167 lowaRs 170 ipaico IpcoCp Irlchln Italy I5e Itel itel pf 337 9:93 964 10 140 27656 220 19298e13i OOTNOTES TO STOCK TABLES Sales a new 52 week high indicates a new RAC in 126 RAC 48e RJR Nb wt RLI Cp 44 RMITi n10 ROC d38e RPC RTZ 143e RalsPur 185 RangrO 06e RJam 24 Rayonr 360 viRaytc Raythn 240 RdrDg 48 ruyn 11 REIT RltRef RecnEq Reebok ReichTg 152 RelGrp 32 Repsol n85e RepGyp 19t RepNY 132 Rxene ReyRey 80 ReyMtl 180 RP Ror RhP pfA RhnP wt RhnPI nl52e KiieAia RvrOak RbtHlf Robtsn RochG RochTI RckCtr Rockwl PndPan RoHaas 124 1 Konr RollinE Rollins RoiLeas PnuVAH RBSct pr224e 1365 1393 34 978 998 38 1282 30 NL 21 47 NL 05 NL 02 NL 01 120 1 95 Centel 85 CentEn 160 Centex 40 CenSoW 276 CenHud 184 CnllPS 184 CnLaEI 256 CeMPw 156 CtrNw 40 CVtPS 208 CntyTI 42 Chmpln 110 unpon rhMnr ChartC 05e Chase 248 Chse pfDS25 Chse pfE446e JHM LPll7e jwr Jackpot 32b Jacobs Jakart JRiver 60 jRvr pf 338 jRvr pf 350 Jamswy 08 JpOTC JeffPI 152 JerC pf 4 JerC Pf 812 Jtfru pr JohnJn JohnCn Johnln Josten KLM IC mArt Kl na 1 19 KanPiP n220 167 fganeo Kaneb pf KCtyPL 268 KCPL pf220 KCPL Pf233 KCSou 108 KanGE 172 KansPL 180 Katyln Katy Pf 146 KaufBH 30 ayjwi Kellogg Kellwd 18 25 03 29 40 unavail nnavail 1423 33 unavan unavail 85 unavail unavail unavail 33 unavail NL BCE RPT BJSSv BMC BPPru 320e BRE 240 BRT 146e Bairnco 20 Bakr s344e BakrHu 46 Baldor 48 Ball 116 BallyMf 30 BaltBcp 60 BaltGE 210 Balt pfB4S0 BncOne 104b 4 12 Vi SCEcp 264 SCOR 20 SL Ind 16 SPSTec 128 SPX Cp 1 Saatchi 51 SabnR 143e sarecrq SfgdSc SaftKln Safewy gAfuVV UZf SahCas 112 StJoe 20 StJoLP 160 viSaiant daiuenn Glnmn SalmBr 179e SDieGs 270 SJuanB 35e SAnitRt 208 SeEP 80 SER n04e SePP 260 SePCp 10e SaraL 84 17 '56 16 Vi20 13 1 7 7 16 Vb 2 Vt Vb 1 10 10 09 03 07 10 NL 09 09 10 1 44 45 19J4 1 NL 04 NL 02 08 NL 27 NL ACapln ACMR ACyan AElPw AmExp ACamlv AGnCp 320 AmGvl 84a Auir arTT AHItPr 240 AHerlt sl02 AHome $215 Amrtch 316 AlntGr 44 AUtr APresd APct AmRIt s58i MSB ASB pf AShip AmStor AmWr AWat prl25 AmHotl Amrscb Ameron 128 viAmesD 051 Ametek 64 AmevSc 105 Amoco AMP Ampco Amre Amrep AmSth Anacmp Anadrk Analog Angelic Anheus Anfhpm Anthny s44b Aoncp 152 Apache 28 Apex 95 ApPw pf812 AppIBc 105e AppIMg ArchD 10 ArcoCh 250 ArcAlsk AriP pf665e ArkEx nlOe Arkla 108 Arkla pf 3 Armco 40 Armc pf450 ArmWI 116 ArowE ArwE Pfl94 Artra Arvin 68 Arvin pf375 Asarco AsCoal AshOil AsiaPc Asetlnv AcdKjri AtalSos 30e Athlne 1 AtIGas 196 AtlEnrg 296 AtIRich 5 AttRc pr280 1 Vt Vi Vt Vi 69 3' 27 7 24 179 Ensrch 80 24 Ensch pf737e 74 enbexp uu Entergy 1 Entera EnvSys EnvS pfl75 Equifx 48 Equmk 16 Eqmk pf231 cmrci EqtRes Equitec Estrlne Ethyl urnd EurWtd txceisr 16 48 ate 'P Cap: CalTrst 504 533 15 CalUS 1042 1 15 Calvert 625 10 Ariel 799 15 a pp 921 09 Tx Lt 1102 1166 04 Tx Lg 845 04 US Gov 939 10 87 6 08 Capstone 935 979 09 EqGrd 1643 1739 78 dSW 988 I 975 972 1 1372 40 pp 7396 238 1243 03 983 1032 02 948 1006 28 1287 26 592 05 1838 1930 19 AAAIB MBIA 40 35 VA MCA 68 MCN 157 184 MDU 142a Vi MEI 5 MCR 151 MIN 105 MMT 123 Vt MM 77 94 MT 84a MG 118 8 MO 120 MV 165 114 27e 9' 84 212 41 716 4 1 160 62e 210 2 130e '85 f56i 1 176 CAHY 970 Govt 1013 NY HY 976 PAHY 955 iduCap 1456 inancial Group: I.
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