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- Publication:
- Northwest Oklahoman and Ellis County Newsi
- Location:
- Shattuck, Oklahoma
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- 4
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COUNTY VOL 11 NO 37 SHATTUCK OKLAHOMA THURSDAY JUNE 30 1927 lc PER COPT I SIIATTU TAKES REVENGE ON HIGGINS ARE FLYING EVERYWHERE Thisvcek will see' tho end if The flight of Lieutenants Mait- practically all of the 1927 snd Ilagrnlwrgt-r across the ing of wheat in Ellis County acr actic from inn I'isiici-mi ihc cording to reports coming in from home with his family in the north Hawaiian Isiarils ciuiiiig -imi all wvlioiiH The crop this year residence section of Shattuck The ifte- the srccossfnl flights of Linii- extremum nHjiU'd averaging from cause of the discharge of the gun ergh and Chamberlin a virus tho six to twenty bushels to the apre will doubtless always lemain one Vtlantie is awaking the world to depending upon the kind -of pre- of those unsolved mysteries which the realization of the fan that tho paration given the seed bed before sometimes occur there huv ng been slow going passenger train and mo- sowing This fruture of wheat raia-tor car ia rapidly becoming obsol- ing probably is showing up strong-ete in transportation affairs While or this year than ever before ow-the performances of those daring ing to the peculiar kind of weather aviators are now property regarded during the growing apd matui mg as phenomirjal the day is not far season those who practiced the distant when sueh things will lie early plowing methtod commonly accepted us on my m- tho higher yields while those who curenccs and no more noto uu in their seed bed pro of them than the ordinary jiassen- paiaiur re receiving poor return ger train or motor car trip of to- Some raisers are now in their day fields plowing in preparation for Today we admire these men for next of tho ab-their courage and self-confidence Bcncc of moisture fran the soil which is alright for us to do It Thi kind of work always pays in takes courage of the sternest sort higher yields the folliwing year to pioneer in any line ami the re- anJ those who do it reduce the ward of their kind of courage is chances of a failure next year to the knowledge of their having ae- very lowest degree Moisture complishcd that which man haa bo conserved in the semi-arid never done befose combined with country and the beat method of thto respect and admiration of the conserving is by getting the At a late hour Wedlrsdvay night Claude Bailey was killed by his own shot gun as ho slept in his nowilnessus to the accident since all members of the family were sleeping at the tune Bailey was killed The family had been sleeping on the lawn for the past several nights on account of the hot weather and upon retiring Wednet day evening Mr Bailey leaned his shot gun against the house in anticipation of the return ol' some pest which had been visiting then poultry house recently It was after the family had been aslec- for some time that the accident occurred and left the two children fatherless and the wife a widow Mrs Bailey was awakened liy thi discharge of tho gun and immediately summoned neighbors and officials of the town who went tt the scene of death and gave whatever aid it was possible to (ivc Beaton in every game played a-gainat in the first half of tha Pansandlc League sfrics the Shattuck basn ball club had sweet revenge Sunday by taking the Texans to a real cleaning in the opening game of tho second half on the local diamond Tho locals started things to going good in the early stage of the game landing on Gril-fls for long range hits and galloping around the circuit for the winning tallies On the other handy Lefty Thomas was pitching some real for Shattuck and altho Higgins found him frequently they had poor luck in placing their hits at points of safety A few bad errors on the part of the Shattucx infield cost the locals more scores than the earned runs The game was featured by spectacular fielding by Denney in left field and by thiee base hits by Stout and Fryer in addition to several really brilliant individual plays outside the not so brilliant errors It has not yet been decided when the postponed game between Shattuck and Booker will be played It must be played however before it can definitely be decided who won the first half of the series since the winner of that game will have to play Higgins with whom tlifcy will tie by winning the postponed game Both these hang-over games from the first half will be real hot ones since upon their outcome depends the winner of the first frame of the aeries The locals will cross bats with Arnett at Arnett in tho accond game of the second half Sunday It is hoped that a good turn-out of the Shattuck fans will accompany the team on this trip Higgins Moreland BIG RODEO ADDED TO FOURTH OF JULY PROGRAM A feature attraction which haa been added to the program for th- for the big Fourh of July cclobra tion at Shattuck will Le aJjig and carnival which landed in ttmj on Tuesday of thiq week and hn1 been running since that day Clior okec Hammond a rodeo man of country wide fame is here with his string of wild horses and is offering rewards varying from two and half to one hundred dollars to tho boys who can ride the animals he selects for them To those who are interested in riding as a sport we would say that here they have an opportunity to indulge in the sport to their hearts content since the horses carried are well versed in the art of dismounting their riders It has been definitely decided to bar traffic on Main Street from 1st to 5th Street on July 4h This procedure was deemed necessary in or der to protection of the public as well as the drivers of ears against the traffic congestion which would be sure to result in the event cars were permitted in the Main section of the town This procedure has been found most satisfactory in other towns in recent years since the automobile has become so numerous and those that have not adopted this plan have had occasion to rue their failure to do so Accidents serious and minor may lie avoided by doing away with traffic congestion on occasions of this kind and it is hoped that the public as well as the people of the town will cooperate in tho effort to avoid all accidents Satisfactory progress has been made in the other preparations for the big celebration The entertainment and amusement features are getting well worked out and it is not anticipated that there will be any hitch in the program which has been adopted The oig celebration will start off wih tho dawn Monday when the opening salute of he day will be fired by cannon Soon afterward a 9:30 a band concert will be given to be followed by the parade of decorated motor cars commeting for the prizes to be a-warded therein From that hour on there will be a continuous program of entertainment which will rival any to be found anywhere in this section of the country The public in general is ivited to Shattuck on July 4th to join with the town in celebrating the most momentous of all American holidays Independence Day INDEPENDENCE DAY Our nation haa passed thru many and varied experiences since that July day back in 177G when the leadeia of the various English colonies in the New World met and solemnly declared themselves and the colonies which they represented as free and independent of English tyranny While it is true that some of these changes have been detrimental and many mistakes have been and will yet be made the nation which was founded upon the solemn declaration of these fort-fathers of our country and baptized in the blood of their fellow citizens who believed in the loctrines by them set forth has itood the test of time and prosper'd until it can no longer be regard-id as a governmental experiment md is being copied by enlighten-h1 Mnples thruout the civilized vorld 1 Those of us who am worthy of being citizens a nation bear on our shoulders the sacred duty of keeping inviolate the preaepts of Ydnms Hancock Washington Franklin and those other patriots vho preached and pronounced the toctrine which has tot la-ge oxen spelled the doom of despot-m in the world We should by ur words and deeds supjx rt the loctrinc and principles as advocated by our foicfahers who ls-lieved to thoroly in them that they defied heir mother country England to he extent of taking up arms ami defeating her while still fill with he love of home and country hich late- was transferred to the tew nation in the New World July 4th ia justly a day of hilar-ty and joy It stand for everything the patriotic citizen should supKrt It commemorate tho birth of nation our nation which has developed into the greatest of them all because our people as a whole have not lost the inspiration of the writers of the Declaration of Independence and the farmers of our Constitution Sad would be the day should it ever happen that our people lose sight of the vision seen by the heroes of Bunker Hill and Concord: sad would be the day if it should ever come when the inspiration of Patrick Homy and Ben Franklin should be lost to our people It is only thru the preservation of the principles of liberty justice and freedom that wo can hope to endure ns a natiton with out decay Let ii as assemble over the country to celebrate tho birth of our natioq in mind those principles and sacred duties of citizenship handed down to us by those who purchased our happiness on the battle grounds of Concord and Bunker Hill the family death having- been in stnatancous to the victim whom head hod liken torn badly by th discharge which took effect vt closi range County Attorney Blaine and Slier 'ff Thomas were summoned and ai inquest was held Thursday morning The verdict returned was tha Claude Bailey had met death at tin known hands there having beei no clues or evidence pointing anything other than the accidcnta discharge of the gun The myster of the case lies in how the gur came to lie discharged the general-' ly accccpted theory being thal the waepon was either1 blown over or was knpeked down by some niht prowler This is merely supposition however and no one knows otherwise The remains were placed in charge of Maaon's Funeral home and will be taken to Fargo Friday for funeral services and interment in the Fargo Cemetery -u ONE ON THE COLLECTION DEPARTMENT A certain firm of wholesalers sold a bill of goods to a merchant in a small town and when the goods arrived he refused thorn The wholesale firm turned the claim over to their collection for collection and the association at once wrote to the railroad agent in the town for information regarding the arrival of the merchandise alsd to the president of the local bank for information concerning the financial standing of tho debtor and to the mayor of the town asking him to recommend a good lawyer to handle their case and then wrote to the merchant threatening suit if hn ailed to make payment at once He answered: "I received your letter tolling me I had better pay up I am the railroad agent here and tiro received the letter you wrote tho agent I am president and solo owner of the local bank and can assure you as to my financial stand ing As tho mayor I hesitate to refe you to a lawyer as I am tho only member of the bar in this vicinity If I were not also pastor of the Methodist church I would tell you to go to 1" Swiped George Davison was in town one day this week coming up from the ranch where he haa been busi-' engaged in repairing fences snd storing places on tho ranch destroy ud some time ago by some bravest?) of that community who dynamited the tanks and used pliers on the fences Mr Davison re-liorts that the damage is now practically all repaired --m The way to improve community is thru the individual citizen No town or city ia any better than its average citizen and by improving the individual you improve the a-verage citizen which is whst count in the long run in shape to absorb and hold every drop that falls and the early plow-ng method terms to be the best tolution to this problem which has confronted the farmers of the Oklahoma and Kansas wheat belt iince wheat raising began The priefo for wheat thus far is luite satisfactory ranging from a dollar twenty-three to a dollar and i quarter depending upon the con-iition and quality of the grain be-ng marketed Much of the r-op going into bins on' the farms in inticipatiton of even higher prices account of unfavorable conditions and poor prospects thruout iho country Many are selling only enough of the crop to pay current expenses end storing the remainder to le marketed later -xx- CIIRISTIAN IC11URCH NEWS By T- Tcrbush Editor Attendance last Sunday was 97 A year ago it was 92 so we were a little ahead We have to have 115 next Sunday to equal our last year's record and a gain of 20 over our last Sunday's record will give us ft gain of 2 over a year ago Let's get them The Father's Day prog: am waa good and was very much appreciated We thank the committee fot their thoughtfulness and successful program Harvest ia in full awing but our members from the country were nearly all on hand last Sunday Some wonder why Bro Hagen is so consistently fortunate in one way and another but those who are on tho inside know that he never forgets the church when something especially good comes his way The service by Bro Donaldson last Thursday night had a light attendance but the response was splendid lira Donaldson left Shattuck feeling fine over progrese of the work here Bro Edwards was Lack on the job again Sunday and retired he attended the Linwood Blvd Christian ch'ich at Kansas City the previous Sunday end heard Esul Blackman saistant pastor the Fighting Parson preach CHRJTIAN ENDEAVOR GOES TO GAGE The attended a di trict rally at Gage lust Funday iU The meeting was well attended Buffalo Woodward Gage Arnett world Licutent Byrd who at the time of our going to press is on his way across the Atluntic ovc the route traveled liy Lindbergh and Chamberlin bids fair to niak a success of his atempt and he in his turn will be praised in case hi succeeds and mourned in case he is lost thruout the entire world Homage respect and encouragement is due the pioneer in any line of human activity and wn gladb offer this reward to those who a-chieve or who lose because of the crudeness of the machinery with which they have to work UGIITNING ROD APPROVED PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE Each summer Oklahoma suffers a heavy lou from lightning mainly on farms and except in rare instances the property destroyed is unrodded and State Fire Marshal urges the use of the lightning rod The total representing the losses by fire in rural America is nearly equal to the selling price of a year's crop of potatoes These losses in lccent yean avo exceeded the tremendous tet-V of $1500(10000 annually or $2029 each and every farm in America The toll which the fire demon ixacta from American farmers would pay their annual interest bill on all borrowed capital with more than $00000000 left to be be applied on the principal each year It is equivalent to one-sixth of the net income of all farmers in the United Stales cr approximately a Now lightning starts £5 per cent of the fires on the farms and there should be a united effort for the standardization and installation of ligtning rods It is believed to lie absolutely necessary and provident to provide this protection for the farm dwellings and barns The incendiary of the skies can be come more easily than is generally recognized and the lightning rod should hold the same plaoe on the farm as the street sprinkler system docs in the city The day of the lightning rod sales man ia gone and no one now need be imposed upon by any such specie of smooth gentry Both materials and installation are now passed upon by a naional reputable authority The Underwriters Laboratories of Chicago In all future lightning rod work the farmer should insist on approved materials Word si TVon lb miikHii tlllllMIMIl Griffi Total Shattuck Fryer 2b Higgins cf Stout rf Denney If II Thomov 3b Drum as Reed lb Kcffer CL Thomas Total Higgins 0 10 2 0 Shattuck 0 4 9 0 BE PREPARED With a fair wheat crop now harvested and beginning to come on tho market at prices that with few exceptions have never been better the iieople of Ellis County are going to havo a pretty good sized bank roll on hands before the coming of winter and with tho prospects and almost a certainty of ono or two payrolls being added to tho town at an early date Shattuck should be on her toes to snake soms u-markablo progress within the next few months Tho thing for our icople to do is to begin now to prepare for this wave of prosperity which appears on the horizon so that we will be ail act to welcome it when it cornea Our merchants are leading tho way by anticipating the demand for merchandise that ia sure to come by laying in generous stocks of the various lines bandied by them so that they will be able to offer a variety from which customers may make selections They do not plan to be caught the out" condition of their stocks and intend to retain tlieir reputation for being able to supply the demands of the most critics! trade When in need of anything ju will find that the business men of Shattuck have it can get it oi it isnt mode Call on them and be convinced -IX- BOY SCOUTS VOLUNTEER TO CLEAN PAVEMENT The Shattuck troops of Boy Scouts combined forces on Thursday of this week and secured team and wagon shovels brooms and other necessary equipment and proceeded to give the paving on Main Street a thoro cleaning in order that the town might appear to better advantage on July 4ih when the big celebration will take place1 This voluntary act on tho part of the Boy Scouts is very commendable and indicates that the training in better citizenship which is part of the Scout teaching is bearing fruit Shattuck owes tho Boy Scouts a vote of thanks not so much on account of the work of cleaning the paving within itself but because of this youthful exhibition of civic pride which is favorable forecast for the future of the town NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Our regular Saturday picture Herds" featuring Buddy Roosevelt with good comedy will be run Saturday and Sunday July 2 and 3 Prices 10 snd 30c Empress Theatre Davis Mgr Mrs Harry Caldwell and childnen returned the latter part of the past week from an extended visit with friends and relative at Tulsa and other points the state -xx- Miss Rosaloc Luck who ia attending school at Oklahoma Gity spent the past week end with horns folks in Shattuck Shattuck is going to1 do some more improving in the way of business houses within the next thirty days according to reports going around town We are glad to hear wf these plans to build and hope to see more of our property owners get their vision -XX- Petor Millman an American gent lomaft of the old school is reduced to penury thru the misfortunes of Hasen Brewer whom he unwisely trusted Find out how it happened by reading the new serial story which starts in the News at an early date Some delay in the construction work at the hospital occurred tho fi pt of the week when brick laying had to wait for the arrival of atccl for the framework No wood is being used in the building other than the doors and the steel was delayed some ir transit Located as ti is a wonderful panorama of the surrounding countiy to the nortl south and west can be had from the building which is a splendid feature of the1 location and on the master label This is and Shattuck Societies wane represented Shattuck took the honors with the largest representation sixteen of the meinle's being present Let's all get out early for Bible School next Sunday Visitors an always welcome Bro Edwards will have charge of communion Bible School Mk00 a Communion 11:15 a 7:30 a one of the best protections for him ofl which me have any knowledge Proper lightning rod installations have recently been recognized in this state in a monetary way Our Insurance Board found it necessary to great an increase in farm insurance rates but insisted on a 'credit for an approval lightning.
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