The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)


A. hfiaMllaneona TRADES SWAPS A UTOMOBILES, ETC. I Mtj.l!anMina AUTOMOBILES, ETC. M.lsfellaneens Bedsas fer Si.le 4t-D Office. Store Equipment 3 J- RADIO EQUIPMENT RADIO iTA SI Opratln 6 tubes from light enrkel NO liATTKKIKS REyUlKED $69.50 ALL ELECTRIC $69.75 -tUb rnnanl nmn factor to VOU Ja t.teraon lUdlo.

239 B. Loa Angeles S-TUBlfi single dim. power tub, real raw selectivity, comp. with ship moiJ. com speaker 15a Rant Monica Blvd.

OR. 8482 WILL sac. mv $320 concert radio for m. Just Ilk brand new. A-l romp All iul.

tnminir. I'liniiua naa i Aams.fter. n.m. ram victruia, witn itu rec 1 00. Inn.

Manhattan rnter Mkt Manhattan Beach. Ph. Redondo 8498 IVrACniNERlT. ALL KLDS- Bale and Exchange S8 PIPE 200. SOS ft.

im and lined nice and casing from tV to alao valves and Hitmen. Write, phone or call for price. ADAMS PIPE WORKS. 3025 Bav et. TU, 481.

VA. 0113. AH "HKVItR MEANS MA I HINKUX Machine Tools "PRXTO" Tinners Toola. Presses. Sheet Plate-working Machinery.


with motor and 20X48 tame complete unit, altnoat new. Valley buffer. 3x3 compresBor, with motor. Plunia Scrlving machine. 100 ft.

air hose. Tables. 7401 Sunset Blvd. FUR BALK No. M-24 Autoteue print lng press, complete with motors counter, rollers, chases, type and cabinet, practically new.

pacmo jte-eordlng Instrument 4703 B. Both street. Phono Midland 1552. FOifeaie. uiliea Sl'-lb.

No. 1 rainy rails, railroad ana contracture eauioment. mine care, rotary driers. tanks, used pipe, etc WISEMAN pipe 1730 East HVtu at. Phone HUmh.

1013. ELECTRIC MOTOR boURht. snTd, rented, rena red. NORTON A NOR. TON.

1375 N. Broadway. CA. 0484 7.:.... I BATTERY- eharaera.

all tvpea. new. ueea lor aervice atatlon. Advance Elec. 1260 W.

2nd, MU, 8159. ilACHlNB toola, woodworker, pump- iiik tiuu meiai macninery. 4U9 K. THIRD ST. FA.

4621 GKN ERATO U. floor aander. truck tano, iu org st. CLIMAX engines. Curtifi Hm jvicny.

1:0., 4 Of k. a VA.4B7I. PIPE New used. euar. TH.

Il7f. Hucwn Pipe 6800 Avalon Blvd. SHOVELS, atcam or gae, for Bale. Wm. Ruddock.

SOT E. 8d. MU.6O80. WOOD metal-working cheap. n.

uoean, Clearwater. METAL stamping, contract 14 to 24 ga. steel dies. 737 Pres. hi -speed drill.

Stoody grinder, neinw wholesale. 05 3 nanta ave. ELEC. motors, buy, ell. rent.

uour coop, giu jx. arq. va, us id. Machinery Wanted USED 20 h.p. Fairbanks Morse, type i ou engine.

must oe reas true. Ph. OR. SSR. 43S6 Victoria Pk.


WE. 2203. MISCELLANEOUS For Sale S3 1125 DOMESTIC (as heater, will sao rinre 121 8160 all porcelain. Direct Action bhs range, l.orain regulator, exactlv like new. 1 1 36.

$185 4-burner Hughea electric range, gooa as new. L'I. 8145 brand new refrieerator. 875. JjO Jewel gas range, cooks like new, $12.50.

$15 Pennsylvania lawn mower, cuts grass nae new. J5. $185 Thor washer, like new. $85. $164 Majestic eoal wood range, good as new $45.

$150 combination coal, wood gas range, lift Forrest's Stove Works VERMONT AVE. AT 36TH PLACE. BE. 0235. SECOND-HAND NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS We guarantee to furnish better cash reglateis and Tor leas money than anv other concern In the world.

LOW MONTHLY PTTS. Only one office In Los Ancetea. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. a. Hons st.

FOR 8 ALB Revolving pie oven. Res taurant eatup. of all kind, dishes of all kinds, electric mangle, furniture of alt kinds, kitchen ranges, rugs. Oarage equip. 2nd band.

Tell us your wants. We can supply EAOLI1 ROCK TRADING EXCHG. 2104 Colorado l-inele Rock. BUTCHERS' SUpXiESI Refrigerators, display cases, meat blocks, cutting tables, etc SOUTHWESTERN BUTCHERS' SUPPLY 310 IS, 7TH BT. GARAGE, $55 ERECTED ON YOUR LOT MILLER BOX LUMBER CO.

501 N. Ave. IS, CA. 5900. NATIONAL cash reiilster, 7 distribut ing combination Bale keys, cost $750, suitable for garage or service Ptatio.n Bargain.

See MR. CROWE, tlOO Pasadena ave. OA. 3134. NEW Radloia 20; 100 loud speaker.

sac. 175; portable elnc. sew. sac. $25 Underwood No.

6 typewriter. $20. HE. 1536. STdCKYARDFERTiLIZER Pulver- ized cow A eheep, mixed, 75o sack.

8 sacks. $5, cubic yd. $5, deliv. Bishop fc Matthews. i w.

vernon. VE.6616 STUDIO of Interior decorations clos ing out a number of samnles at sacrifice. Suitable for cushions, pillows chair coverings. ri. Z64H.

tuns fancy Lancaster rabbit nay. 50 tons fancy Lancaster dairy hay. KM. 1122; 60 CLOTHES LOCKERS. 12x12x72.



WHIT- ING-MEAD 401-3-3 E. 9TH. FERTILIZER (cow) 1007, nure. 7 100- ih. sacks.

4.eo. or tor 3 or more yards deny, uu 1214 WINDOW SHADES only 19c Cane Bldg supply atn Maple. TANKS, pumps, ploe, rods for less. DKM.MHT. i naie.

mu.6Z7 ELKC. bake oven. Two deck. Almost new. King's Good Food.

527 8. Main FERTILIZER, cow sor. 8-100 sacks $5 del. Acme Fertiliser. UN, 31SZ.

WOOD, new stove lengths, seas. $10 85.60 loads. Pel. Cik 0773. Office.


FIXTURES. OKF1CK PARTITIONS Immense slock. Priced right, WEBER SHOWCASE F1XT. CO. 316-330 S.

Los Angeles at. Phone HUVJ94HO. STORE FIXTURES. SHOW CAPES. soda fountains, restaurant oittnts.

We outfit complete. TERMS. OPEN SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. Western Showcase 4t Fixture Co. sUOlLiiABT.


LAWVKTis. doctors, dry goods stores sacrtic ng new 28 ft. mirrors, e-n'. tioniil esses, directors' tables, desks, wnll esses, fcw. etc.

Call after Sun. .1 425 24TH ST. ii KSf'A II A NT tl xtu res. Butcher flx-tures, grocery fixtures, all kinds of shuweases A fixtures for any kind of more. PnclfiQ Showcase Fix ture 412 K.

STII. TU. 8510. I sEi) sTtiftE Fixtures Everything In complete outfits for restniirants. CALIF.

STORE FIXTCP.R CO. Cor. Sth Lns Angeles. FA. 4U54.

Repossessed, Reconditioned OFFICE FURNITURE. JOSEPH E. HklLLl'U 6S1R Spring. sL 4th floor, VA.B305 ti r.rt i iui.iu una umce equipmc. taoie.

ensirs, csks. flies, safes, carpels. Call KOEPPEL at TR.8736 L. A. DESK 843 So.


SUOARMAN CO. 2.10 SO.J.OS ANGELES ST. MUt. 6117. SHOWCASES, soda fountains, store A cafe new and renewed.

Com mercial Fixture 5959 Avalon PI yd. AX. 9001, BARG. In usel office typewriters nnugm. sola, rsntea.

western umce Furn. 754 S. Olive, A. 1801. SHOWCASES, refrigerators, registers.

scales, restaurant eouipmeni, used. Innlnar nil CHIC A P. X437 Main 6TORE FIXTURES OF ALL KINDS K.UH AISUIS NliW tUU tlUi, Pllva Fixtures 418 E. th st STORB A otKy show rases, wall cases, counters, equipment of ever, kind for sale. 530 8.

Los Angeles USED efflre furniture A safes. ussem*nt store oaaemeni bhiti. 420 S. SPRJNG. TR.

3724.. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT 1 We outtlt complete, new oed or terms, lit S. Snn. TI. 2-'2 FIXTURES, butcher, grocery almost new, 'i price.

r. lo2eks, chairs. 3 flies. Stored ISC! TV. 24 St.

-iin sq a.m. BE. 3V JJOUSES Far Wile) Mlaeellaneeae 451 NO. MANSFIELD OPEN 1 TO 5 DAILY HANco*ck PARK OWNER'S SACRIFICE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED Juat 1 block N. ef Beverly Blvd.

A West of Hlgt iaad. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 8 ro.n Mnanlah bon a with 4 b'd' rooms. 3 baths, unit heat, leeleae rafrlgarailon. Furnianinga k'uu -ranrf niano oriental ruas overatuffed fornltut and lea velour drapes. Perfect condition.

Will consider any r.aaonabl cfTer. Courtesy to agents. Owner, 451 N. Mansfield. OR 17.

'7 ON BEAUTirUL HARVARD BOULEVARD, near Third atreet. Lot alone worth $24,090. f-slorv house of 9 room, aas furnace eel 1 baths, good as new. coojena'tvely worth $14,000. WILL SELL BOTH HOUSES AND hounds run 817.000.

whiih la one-half the value. On eaay terma If sold soon. WILSH1RS DISTRICT'S GREAT EST BARGAIN. S.M.COOPER 1416 W. 2nd St.

at Western Ave. $7250 $1000 Cash 3 BEDROOMS ROOMS tli per month rovere all. Spanish type. Larg living room. Texture walla: Walnut trim: Double tile drain: Breakfaat room haa table and 6 chairs.

Front patio with awning Cedar cloaet; Globes furnished. All aaaeasmenta paid. Near schools, atorea, cara: and new Unlveraity. High ground in Weetwood. BAIN BRIDGE.

GLadstone 61(4 Gllanlte 87. "WEST WOOD HILLS 7-room Spanish home $78303250 rash. $7 mo. Large L. R.

and dining room. Mahogany trim, textured piaster walls. 1 good built in vanity dresser. Bath, separate. shower kitchen and bath 4 goaU nanitaa.

miut-in retilg. Hkrat. rm. table and chairs with built-in buffet 3 cedar closets. Bowl and livltory on service porcn.

wonoerrui value, ocated near school snd trananorta-tlon. McComas. HP- 4729 or DU. dSTeliz dMrTct" The moat attractive brick and atucco English type horn In the oa rein oiatnrt ror aale at a big bargain. Thia bnus wa bnllr Wv day labor and is of the very beat conatruction.

It consists of 8 3 batb. 3 -car geraa. level lot. The price baa been reduced coneider- auiy tor quick sale. "Let's Talk It Over." CLINCH THURTLE 444 Smith Av nrtar $7850 $7850 SPANISH HOME ROOMS.

3 BEDROOMS AND SUN ROOM A very conveniently arranged floor plan; Mahogany trim; real fireplace Wtll conalder a lot equity as down payment. GLadatone 5164. Mrs, Shepherd, or Eves, GRanlta 6987. A SMART UOM ft IN A BEAUTIFUL HICTTtVr North of Wllshlre Blvd. with a unobstructed view of mountali.

3 stones, opanisn rm. 4 4 baths. Large R. Drlftwoori Hni.l, extra big fireplace, also flreplsc In library and outside entrance to beautiful patio. Dble.

dressing rooms rt of bedroorn. Also outside Wonderful kitchen. Hloh garden. by a very high claaa oqiiuer. a 1 00.

il 7 31 2. MISFORTUNE" Compels owner of lovely 7-rm En gnsn nungamw In weatwond tn dispose of It at once. Price haa been reduced from $14,600 to $11,500 for thl week. Property ran be refinanced, requiring but little cash. D-elged bv a leading architect.

Built bv owner tor hie home It an artistic gem aer In hill of West. wood. All the latest Improvement at a aorgeoiia view, Mr colcord OX. 61U. Eve.

OX. 8947. WESTWOOD HILLS LOT EQU JT- Can ua eout In, mhiOv down payment on beautiful Spanlaa inline witn exceptional rinascaoinj, fruit tree, shrubbery, etc. Locatfd on large corner lot In choir tldn of Weetwood Hills, cloae to acnooia. atores and transportation.

Price $8730. This is sn opportunity for some one to acquire a beautlfu home wllh no cgsti. Call Oil. 39j wsstwugdIlilLs" Here la the feiture louse of West wood. Six beautifully rma including a nreagtast noog.

All apa clous and real comfortable on a ft. knoll with delightful view. The aoundance or shrub and vines on thia eloping lot makes it truly a gantlemen'e small estate. Cloao to "iisnire oiva. will bands It.

l-IIUtl OSU-QBS. SACRIFICE WILahlre's biggest bungalow bargain. 6201 W. FIFTH ST. OWNER LOSING $8008.

Husband In East A circ*mstances demand immediate sale. Beautiful new English atucco i big bathe, unit heat. niah. sanitaa. Dippell-Wallace-Bermant 241 No.

Larchmont Blvd., at NOTMcrriTv- f-atory all brick English. Haa co*ck neat ouy. O'CONNEiJ. WHITE .4060 W.

4th. FI. 667. STOP INKPEI 146. 148, 130 N.

Stanley -erly Hills. New and 7-room bun-galowe. Ton will be aatcunded at tn oeauty rrice. OW N. WA.

147 wilhhiric unun 111.800. 311.S80 Adjoining Hanco*ck Park, near Int. 7-room. 3-bath Spanish, antique isn. i-unit lurnace.

WA. 1952. GLENDALE. beau, frame 6-r. ii.m.

r. juii a. nr mn ai terms 837 inc. Int. Reel snao our.

uwn. must sen. he. nil. as.

SPECIALISTS IN HIGH-CLASS RES- lK.lTlAb PIIOI'KRTIES The Frank Meline Co. 708 8. Hill. TRInlty 6451. 1801 So.

Oxford Ave. A bargain to cloae an estate. II rm. house to, sn-vKO. t.


6 DAYS' ESCROW SERVICE OWNER going to New York, Home must oe aula tnia week, only $5800 Worth 37600. West Adams district Call VA 91fl Kv. Til! WIDOW will "sacrifice 806Tequlty for nait price, jirrniosa neacn mo. prop ti nouses, mtg, IJUUM. IIH.

2214. tun salt, or exen. 7 new stucco hoiisea. Hawthorn. The price la i lain.

HOI HE lot, Silt Pc tland'tlt rii'-TT 'r Preiiiisesf yatternoott. Tvyii nouses on 1 lot. Bovle Hats. -B3v. term, names, TU.

6044, Weat and Northwiat 40-A 14500 4-rm. mod. hon i oiin. aar. i.

loae-in nnjt Hide aisi. Nr. transp. nikta. eml.

pynii. oai. mo. inc. int.

km, ss; UN KENMORE AVE. Nr. Heliotrope A Beverlv. Lot 4x For Quick jh.800 Cash 83500. AnartiiMiii vwnfr aaent.

ii 3177. $4500 4-rm. mo. huii bkrat. gar.

Close-in West Side diet. Nr. mkls. 8ml. dn.

baL 840 tier mi. lnc im etrn. em. 2451- RM. BUNG.



DOCTOR 8 home, new furnishetj oung. aiaanincant turn, rrexa- car une. win consider small nejrt down or free clear lot. 1114 Wiiotaoe nivrt WH gnlti rROOif Sreiiish honi. bath.

I Tn4- morns, uahire-rairrax tract. Ln.denhurt at. $11,600. Take 91600 rash or what have von lit trade" aer unly ev Days Leit to buy thia beaut. nv4l.

to the mm. t-rm. coioo. bun. ri.

1071 Hi Point. HO SAC. BEAUTIFUL NEW lg. room house. blk.

Washing ton. Owner. 1828 S. Manarteld. NEW room stucco, double sarase.

ronerate street, aear school A care Moreno Highland district. $500 cash. Ralance Ilk rent. 4301. -KM.

hillaide homa. Silver I.alt Furn- or unfurn. Ctca in. Small dn, pait, 3 .1 0f.ioO L. 32.

FAST Sacrlfb-e $J0O eouiiv for $1 4). rm. stucco. 1 bednn.WH. $4:0.

$50 DN. Hi me. 3 furnlah- nouses ej cor. iot i.viz. i eix.

Adam. 4ft S. Hoovr. Y0.4?t WM. luod.73 bdrnis.

aar. Iroeo bl. Tenia. w. nam.

AUTOMOBILES, ESCs w1, Aatemebllea Wanted 40-r WANT truck for 40 lots pear Denver cil, 4CYLIN')EK car In real baraalo, nut over $60. 1839 New Eng. A Wash PETS LIVE STOCK POULTRY AXD SUPPLIES Peullry and Sepplite 44 A Hundred-to-One Shot Invest $1 snd make $100 by using the famous Coleman System of Poultry Raising and Increased en production. A SURE method foi aucceaa. Absolute money back GUARANTEE.

Mend $1 for eoinpl. Inf. WALTON A 837 Alpine st. CHIX From trannested record uedl- greed HLlklD-1 HT.ll slock. I.i to 300-egg strain, te to 1 lot Cal.

Famous Levers. 818 8 Spring L. A "POULTRY WANTED All kinds, will call anywhere. Cltv Poult rv. 2933 8H0B0.

AT, CHICKENS, rabbits A farming tools wanted in exenange ror iana, neau tlful location. 1 8-4 ml. from near-est town. Call 316 E. 81ST ST P0 ULTRY WANTED All kinds.

8tar Poultry Co, Call anv-where. 1260 1 sun Whim babv rhix. 7 to 1 days old. lie ea. 2046 FLOR ENCE.

DEI. 68m. Plgeene 41-A WANTED Carneaux. White king. 811-ver king.

Swiss Mondaine pigsona $428 FKRNWtHID AVE. HOIIy 1611 Docks, Geese, Torktfs 44-B WE sre now offering Mammoth Eronse turkey eggs $50 per 100. Pekln duck eggs at 16 per 100. Mallard duck eggs at $8 per 100. Fuller Rat.chu.



826, CAN BE SEEN DR. JONES HOSl'ITAL. 8470 A NT A O.N I A SS LYU. PEKINGESE female toy, $25; police puppies cheap. 13,41 go.

Vermont. hiiakiieu 611 SO. WESTERN. DR. 0293 REAL ESTATE OUSES fojPaJe) Miscellaneous 40 ADJOINING HOLM BY HILLS On corner lot with If 8 ft.

FRONTAGE. SPANISH HOME that will be in permanent DELIGHT of anv HOME LOVER. 2-aiorv house with 4 4 bath. The VIEW of the mountains thmuah the ate glass window 1 GORGEOUS. THE bolid comfort ne could eujov in the DEN with Its FIREPLACE In the MASTER PF.DROOM up stairs witn it last and west BALCONIES'; the unusual EQUIPMENT TO FACILITATE HOUSEKEEPING sa well ss the STURDY CONSTRUCTION Including anch things as STEEL BEAMS, mage this home one you will always be happy In.

Am not cuotlng PRICE OR TERMS, but they are auhjici to kaonai, ditcussion. I'hou for appointment. NO AGENTS. O. A.

KENNY DR. 8147. GENTLEMAN'S HOME Must Be Sold Nestling on the edge of the foothill! in tne moat exclusive district your price and terms. Description 10 large roonms. Real Architecture Best Refrigeration.

Unit Heat 3 Master Bedrooms, Patto uai aiaio a quarters. "Bar Extremely Well Built 0VNERaA. 6J33. Near 6th Western A Real Investment $22,500 A BEAUTIFUL 3-RM. HOME 0U a unrestricted lot.

60x144. ttMvatl atlav. You should double your money on mis investment, sue Mr. crane 01 Mr. Maftnont.

for I- cation A terms, KELLS GRANT Wllahlre at Western. DU, 3QQ0. MUST BE SOLD See This Home OPEN DAILY 1 TO 4 P.M. 230 8. IRVING Rt.Vfn.

BEAUTIFUL WINDSOR SQUARE 1U KIJOIHB, 3 RATHS Exceptionally attractive home, A BARGAIN AT 827.600 An unusually low price for a home in un location, esvos casn win $1000 CAfcU Will give vou possession ef thl lovely 3-bedrm. Spanish stucco bun galow located on level east froi.l lot near transportation, markets and schools in the University section, which la developing like magic In West wood Hills. For details phone jiia. noninaon, ut. guz.

iu. go 11 PRICED TO SELL In closing eelates ws have a fine selection ot bualnese, Income, residential and vacant property to offer at prices you will be Interested In paying, iteat estate CALI- run.Ma 429 SOUTH SPRING ST. iwo-story Spanish, new. between Beveriy nivq. and Wllshlre Blvd High view lot In beautiful Wsstwond miia, near ma university.

4 bedrooms, 3 baths, moat artiatlo thru-out. Finest construction. Price 825.. 000 with eaay terms. This value "in etana comparison with any blah class residential district In Los Angeles, phone Mr.

Sandefar. OXford 61250 NEW modern T-room Spanish uungaiuw witn coiorrui awnlnga, ahruba. aprinkllnet system and double garage. Large cheerful rooms. xiatn ana gitcnen teautirully tllsd built-in Ice hoi.

Thl vr r. tive property close In schools, portallon and atort-s. In Weetwood nine can do seen by calling Lane, 4.I.. 1.1 "Beautiful spA.sTsirttecijrj" 1 rooms. 3 bedrooms.

T.nv.1 bl.s en. tile bath, shrni. No detail has been omitted i un nivviy nome. close to sclila. 1 For ai.polnt ment call Mr.

Schmidt, OL. sili n.Kv?n'PSS ond8urday 694-72C REAL HOME A INCOMfo" n. west district nr. Normandl jniowing 12i income, price less BBvuv.

terms, or will ....0 uua witn i nedrms. Inc. between Slauson. Sta. Barbara Vermont 4- Weaism.

Tin. P.esr.Ed.wardGee112,12' W.64 st THE most attractive English home env and the aa for the price, $7900. Kir tifully decorated verv modern thruout and haa the appearance of a higher priced home. Can be A a. WH.

7 0 4 7.. AlCiiON AUCTION cb. 3. p.m. VA.

4611 3423 Victoria Av. 6-room new stucco bungalow, lot 40x126, absolutely no limit above mortgage. Tile hatha. Willis Land Cu.L G. M- Act.

WILL TRADE 3-iH-drnom Spanish duplex aMuated on ntgn level lot. All modern e-jn yeniemes. Will scent part trade Phone McCreary. DR. 8147 WILL or anyUUng uimn payment on mi beautiful 6-room Spanish home.

In i-iru a good resiiiet-tiai district Owner. WEstmure 1374 tnia at utr i FOR Sale: $49507 8500 ner i stucco, oisck snd me win ana Kitcnen nttings. fireplace. 3 bedrma. Bkft.

nk. Fruit Ireea. pond, double garage. Reaaon-ahle terma. Phone VA.

uesiraDie canyon Prop 380 East Rustle Road. Nanta ln roomsgarag. furnished. WK sueclallte on "Fo'recTosurea: See us before buvlns. Can salt you vac.

or into tirntv. at so ne 3 4 JS a a on I ea GRJ 3 1 J. 1.08 FELIZ HOME inn ouy or tne district. I room betha, new. Bonvue Ave.

NEAR WESTERNXVEr v-ii. JT3 V. I1. ie rooms. baths large lot.

An 1M' Aj W- FINE COUNTRY HOME 1 mor acres. $4000 will immn-. Alio in, or ,9 seres at acriflc. call Mutual 0415. SACRIFICE 3 -room A garnge on rear c-'iz.

tat. s.wv casn, balance 32000 payaioe it, month. -r iv -j. imp time. SOUND Investment.

RoMnaan nr. Bev erly buo, api. or Pat site. Imp. A-l 6-rm.

liunr il sail Hubbard. Orant Hlda Tf. Till a-room nurgalow. with ga rage. yn Kny near can Fernando.


MANY TO CHOOSE FROM. PRICED $326 UP. 0-t-h-e-r M-a-k-e-s Before toit buy any 4 Alt see our stock open and CLOSED PRICED $19 UP. DON LEE Cadlllao Distributor Over 20 Tears. i STORES OPEN EVENINGS 1076 W.

7TH .1 Flgueroa Pico. BUICKS THE POPULAR "Gold Seal" 1921 All models to choose from, open and Inclosed. Those cars been through our shops and fully guaranteed. Priced from $925 and Up Don't fall to Investigate values today. Both have are these jjioerai -HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO.

1 .1 AV Kl '8888, i ti 1 cn. munioKt Jordan Air Line 8's iinu Ha DIBHU imw driven a mllft. Khlppsd Utrert a A a.JI nai never from Must iiacvoijr un. vui; aacrince tnec mBiiwy. dans, coupes, Victoria coupes, cheap- .1 Se- Br umn you vnw uui cylinder or used car.

This is greatest pargain itnr vuw.ww where In the United States. Prices 10 1 ou. 295 tn 83HS down, accept your Old CHEVROLF.TS Neariyhew. All mo mnd- eia. nig discount, ir-w.

EAST 7TH ST. TR. 6546. 1225 Touring Carl for Sal 40-A BUICK tour. B-pass.

beautiful Job. Driven short distance, looks new. 4-wheel brakes, tonneau shields, etc. Only $495. 1055 8.

OLIVE CADILLAC 61 Phaeton. Motor over hauled, new duco musn, new xiur- bank too. avosv side curtains, new India tires, bumpers, wind wings, Hoo-dye shocks and a bargain at $645. Terms. 1509 So.

Flgueroa, CADILLAC Phaeton, late model 1, can be told from br. new car. Has special Duco finish, special tirr eoulpnient, trunk, every extra, sacrifice, $585. Terms arrgd. $140 dn.

Onlv 7c- on litilHne fin? S. Flower. CADILLAC tour. Hoo-Dve shocks, ex- cen. spec, leather tonneau shields, wind wings, etc $275.

Wagner, 189 S. Western, EM, 4164 CADILLAC 314 spoil phaeton. Always bad twrsonal care. Practically a new car, Must sacrifice at once. Can ar range terms.

See at 1401 N. VINE. HO, 614 CHANDLER Aviator, 1928. Run 1400 miles, could sell tor new. jsew-car guar.

Fully equipped. Herbert Co. 1110 S. Flower. WE.023 CHANDLER lOaS.

Overhauled, tonneau emeiaa. oisc wneeia, gooa tires, best buy In town. Easy terms. Herbert Co. lfoa 8.

Fig'roa. WE.4326 DODGE touring. Early '25. All brand new balloons. Looks like brand new Bargain.

$395. HENRY li Amiss 1237 S. Flgueroa LA SALLE sport phaeton, verv latest series '27. Cannot be told from br. new car.

Fully equipped. Must sacr-flue beautiful car $1885. Terms arranged $395 down. 643 3. Flgueroa, LINCOLN 7-pass.

touring, very latest series '23. Looks A runs, like new car. Has 6 wheels A tires mounted on side. Many extras. Must sacrifice $985.

terms can be arrgd. $226 dn. Take car In trade. 642 S. Flguerog.

LOCOMOBILE 6-48 sport 4-pass. Cost over $9000. A beauty. SS50. terms.

1630 S. FIGUEROA. WE. 9414 NASH 1924 tour. Only $196.

Dlsteel wheels. Runs elegant. Terms. BALDWIN'S LOT, 1124 S. Flgueroa PACKARD 1923 new tires, good pa'nt, motor perrect.

A neautirui na fna tr.Ti: ma a -trrriTTiTriA PEErEeSS 8 SDort fihaeton. late 1924 original Duco finish, like brand new. Perfect tire eaulnment. Burbank ton. trank.

Taken on trade. Will sacrifice for $385. Tins, arrg. 507 S. Flower.

STUTZ 1st clasj cond. Genuine leather uphol. 2 spare tires. $150 cash total price. Owner, 6043 Bu chanan.

B307. WESTCOTT tour. 1922 for sale cheap. oh. i(4.

143 a. Highland. Roadsters for Sal 40-B AMERICAN undarslun 1914 roadster. pit. vt74.

143 a. Highland, fiUICK master 6 roadster. Hue brand new English Burbank top. New duco; finish, motor periect, every extra, bumpers, etc. Price $985.

HENRY K. A YRKH CO 1237 8. Flgueroa. BtilCK 1927 Master 6 sport roadster. rumble seat.

Car like new. Price right. 4720 S. Broadway. FuiCk 1926Spt.

Rdbtr. Master 6. Re- mecn. right, extras. $745.

Iran. MOTORS. INC. 1140 80. Flruee-a.


'27. For power individuality see this car. New car guar. Eoulnoed. Terms.

Co. 1702 P. CHRYSLER 70 sport roadster, latest 1935 like br. new. very little mileage, cerr.

nnisn A tire eouipt. Sacr. $685. Liberal tms. arrg.

$165 dn-. only 7 on bal. 607 S. Flower, CHRYSLER 70 sport roadster. 1927 series, nearly brand new.

Bacr. at a tremendous barg. Accept old car In trade. Easy payta. 8285 dn.

Only 1 pnbalance. 607 S. Flower. CHRYSLER 26-70 ROAD. WIRE WHEELS, MANY EXTRAS.

BIG SACRIFICE. ONLY $226 DOWN. Kelley Kar 1834 B. Figueroa Chrysler 70 Road. 1927 Series.

Like new. Manv extras. 31126, Tms. 546 S. 13Sf.

CHRYSLER 72 sport roadster. 1928 uttie mileage, perr. Must sacr. today. Liberal terms arrgri.

3335 dn. Only 7 on balance. 507 S. Flower. Chrysler 70 Road.

1926 Special Job. Manv extras. 3260 dn. ORE ER-RQBBI S. 4099 ernion t.

CHRYSLER roadster '26, bargain, bv Owner. OL. 1853. DODGE special roadster, late 1926 like brand new car. as aiso wind riAflectors hdsc.

overdrv. trans miss. Bacr. 8496. Terms arrgd.

8126 flown hnl. onlv 7.. B07 lower. bohciK 1926 ncl. rdsir.

Fine condi tion, rubber, etc. Jlio anwn. mo. for 11 mos. inc.

Int. OVIATT MU. .4151, DODGE '26 Spt. Iloai. Rumble seat.

mecn. rant. Many extras, lerma ALBERTSON MOTOR COMPANY 153 4 8. Flgueroa. Open Eves A Syn.

DODGE 1925 ROAD. $425. -2027 SO. FIGUEROA. LINCOLN soort roadstsr.

six wire wheels, late 1927. purchased Dec. 1st. Perfect condition. 83760.

OR. 7334 from 8 to 10 a.m.. or address 3 Bo. Lucerne. LMARMON roadster.

'26 model, perfect cond. Cost over $4000, only flZeO, terms. 1680 3. FIGUEROA MOON Royal sport roadster, custom built, '28 brand new car. Never driven or registered.

Sacrillc for 81086. $245 down. Est. 16 to 18 months. Cost $1500.

Your old car In trade. 1132 S. QRAND. MOON sport roadster 6-60. '27-' 28 model.

Cannot be told from brand new oar. Has verv little mileage. Must sacr. todav 3785. Can arrange terms H75 down.

542 NAHM. 1927 roadster. Adv, 6. Orig inal nnisn. Like new.

000a oaiioon tires, rumble seat and every extra. Must sac. at once. Can arrange liberal terms. Takecar in trade, 1134 NASH Advance 6 snort roadster, latest 1927 driven only 2200 mi.

win sacr. at tremend. barg. Accept car in trade. Easv pavte.

arrg. $285 dn. Onlv 7 on balance. 507 Flower. NASH special roadsler.

late 12G. can't be told from nr. newcaT. Pert. Sacr.

$685. Liberal navts sr- rgd. $165 tin, at 607 3. Flower. NASH Adv.

6. late "26 rdstr. Rumble sent. Extras, new. sd.

jtma. 1521 rrhwi'R. NASH 1923 sport roadster. Refintshed and reconditioned. A bargain.

BALDWIN'S LOT, 1124 Flgueroa OAKLAND soort roadster-71927 like br. new. verv utile mileage. Rumble seat lob. Will sell at treni.

barg. Easy ternie arrgd. 8175 down. PACKARD sport 1926. Fully 'p.

Perf. mecn. Guar. $310 dn. re wA Andrews.

1051 W.Washtn. PA.u NEV iTD RIVE N. A BRAND NEW CAR. MUST 8AC- Rl ICE. 1223 S.

1 nil r.K"A Whippet 1927 Road. Nearly new. Fullv equlnt. .1 t.EiviTT rn. 600 W.

Pico. WHIPPET ROADSTER 1937. Just like new. A real buy. win trsne.

oomc class. 637 N. BROAUWAI WILLYS-Knight 6-46 sport roadster. practically like br. new car.

escnt. $786. Easy payts. arrgd. down.

Onlv 71 on balance. 607 H. Flower. WlL'lrS-Knight 6 siwtt roadster. '26 model.

Cannot tie told from new car. Has verv llttl mileage. Sacrifice. $S6. $185 down.

54 2 S. Flgueroa. Ceupes 'far Sals 40-C AUBURN coupe, new tires. $350 down. int.

Will exrhsnge. HARVEY GOODWIN, 1 047 S. OHva Buick 4-Pass. Coupe New Duco finish, new tires, fulli eqillpt. etc.

i75. F.asv terms. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO. Sn. Fl'irra.

WE M61. jr 1 1 is) jiT-tlu Cenpee fer Sale 40-C Buick 1927 Coupe Master Country Club. Rumble seat original hnish. IS70 down AUTOMOBfLH CO. isuicK rjz touoe Gold, Beat.

Country Club. Rumble r- "6. Lib. terms. CO.

BUichi ooupe. master CannotTe 101a irooi nrand new. Everything new on It. See this wonderful vain. tooay.

rrice HENRY AYRES 1337 Sn. Flgueroa. BUfCK Master 6 Country Club coune 1927 series, almost brand new car. Will sell at tremanrioti. Easy time payta.

arrgd. $286 down. Jalanceatpjly7 607S.Flower, BUICK '27 STANDARD COUPE Jerv latest series, cannot be told 1 rum orana new. nig san. 1265 dn Kelley Kar 134 8.

Flaueroa. BUICK Standard 8 couue '26. Looks runs like new car. Has verv mileage. Manv extras.

Must sacrifice 0. H1 dOWIl. till M. Jfnerna. ui i iv mast, sport couue.

latest 'ti nearly br. new car. Must sacr. at once. Easy pavts.

arrgd. $300 dn. OnlvJ.P0ji?l.nce.601 S. flower. BUICK Master 6 Country late 1926.

nearly br. new rar. Must sacr. at once. Liberal pavts.

arrg. 1266 down, onlv 7 A07 V'lo-ar BUICK COUNTRY CLUB MASTER ISi'K. A-l ONOlTtON. MAKE OF--M iM Kb )U. A.X,8 8iT CLICK 27-48 loupe, like new.

$386 down, 8" Interest. Exchange. HARVEY GOODWIN, 1047 s. Olive. Cadillac "61" VictoriF Only Splendid shape.

Easy Terms. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO. 1313 So. Main WE. 6385.

CADILLAC snort coupe. 1927 series nearly nr. new car, only utile mile age. Has spec. bumnerH.

6 wire whl equip. Will sell at a tremend. sacrlf. Accept old car In trade. Liberal nav menu larrgd.

at .7 601.8. Flower. CAUILLAC convertible coune verv latest series 1927. Cannot be told from br. new car.

Hs orlg. finish tires. Many extras. Must sacr. todav $2485.

i5 down. 642 S. guetoa CADILLAC '27 conv. coupe. 6 Wire wh.

npd tires, like new. down. HARVEY GOODWIN, 1047 S. Olive, CHEVROLET coupe, latest 192? ser. driven onlv 25 miles, will sacrifice st a tremendous disc, of over $1(0.

Terms arranged. 607 8. Flower St. CHEV'LKT. late coune.

new tires. bumpers, just like new. sacr, 376 .11, lSslitSJ Chrysler Don't Buy A CHRYSLER till yru see our larre Stock Of 135 TRUTH TAG CHRYSLERS. All types and models Priced From $495 Up SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS GREEK-BOBBINS Chrysler Diet. 1015 So.

Flgueroa. WE. 21'S. Mept. lz.

uenerai pauoona. ilo-tor perfect: finish A up. just like new. must sen. an.

iz-is mos 1049 8. FLOWER. CHRYSLER J2 convertible coupe. 1928 driven only few mi. lias over $100 spec, equlpmt.

Will sell at big sacrif. Easy payts. arrgd. $S0o dn. Onlv 7 on ha a nee.

607 8 Flower. CHRYSLER 70 coupe. 1927 series. Ex cenent nnisn and tires, mecnanicai-ly perfect. $295 down.

GREER ROB BINS, 1318 So. Main. CHRYSLER 80 coupe. '27 ser. HS.

the red head motor, all new tires A ran tell it from new. Iltst.tms. 2146 W. ashT Chrysler 70 Coupe. $895 In perfect condition.

Must sell. Tms fi QvV PU, 188 i cXfALAND 6 coupe. 1924. Light easy to nandie, oooa tires. Minor overhauled.

Excellent finish, $356 lull price. Herbert Co. 3980 S. Vermont. Dodge Coupe.

$585 Business man's. Mechanically perfect, reftnished a beautitui grav. ex cellent balloon tires, snubbers. etc. Terms.

11.14 So. Flgueroa. DODGE 1926 COUPE. NEW Paint A tires, motor ovrtild. $545.

ALBERTSON MOTOR COMPANY 1634 So. Flgueroa. Open DODGG 1926 COUPE $560. 8027 EO. Fl' trriHn Don't Buy A Ford till you visit our FORD BARGAIN CENTER.

Over 100 Fords at BARGAIN PRICES. Some as low as $66 that run good. All models ana types. Very easy terms, wtll trade. NADEAU'S Ford Bargain Center, Central Slauson.

Open FORD COUPE $86.00 Good hiiva In later models. Guar. Easy payts. Open evenings A Sun. DUNHAM for FORDS Ford Dealer.

122 K. Washington. foko 27 coune. neatly new. extras.

terms. Excellent conmuon. av w. pico. pn.

ma. FORD COUPE. '25 $146 108 w. Pico. HUPMOBILE straight 8 coune.

lust like new, wonaerrut bargain, ii 1. terms. 637 N. BROADWAY LINCOLN DietrFch convertible coupe, 1927 only little nnge. win sacr.

at a trem. saving or over sisuo. old car tn trade. Essv oavts. arrir on bal.

at 7. 507 S. Flower. Lincoln 4 Pass. Cpe.

Wonderful condt. Bsrgain at $985. Harmon-Atwood. 2146 W. Wash't'n MAA-WEIjLi coupe, iaie, rcnnioncu.

died wneeis. motor overnauieo, oar OLDS 1926 coupe. Just flke'Vew. Big oargaia. ooi irt, snuAuirAi.

PACKARD light 6 coupe, late '23. like br. new, verv lima inige. inoia ooro tire perf. Duco fin.

Must sell Hal ante' at onlv 607 8. Flower Paige 1926 Cabriolet Heavy duty bumpers. Dlsteel wheels and 5 good tires, special mile headlights. Burbank top and flowered leather upholstery, elegant original 2-tone snort green finish, ('an lie purchased for less than naif or original cost. Terms arranged.

Hurry. PELTON MOTOH COMPANY "A SAFE PLACE TO BUY" 1345 8. Flgueroa. WE, 6341 PEERLESS 8-80, '27. like new, cost 82100, sac.

aB. tms- own. 531-60 PIERCE-ARROW Never Cooled Never Eaualed Few Choice Buys $800 to $1850. WM. E.

BUSH, Inc. FIERCE-ARROW DIST. Figueroa A 21st Pontiacs-Guaranteed So. California's largest stock of REBUILT snd GUARANTEED PONT1AC8 All types snd models Priced From $585 Up CASH O.M.A.O. TERMS TRADE REEVE GARTZMANN.

7 Pontlao Distributor 1201 S. FIGUEROA PONTIAC '37 CABRIOLET COUPE used snout i momns. just line new. Fully equip. A steal.

8200 dn Kelley Kar 1834 Figueroa REO 6 coupe. 1928. A closed car thai will give real service. New tires disc Herbert 3960 f4, Vermont. RICKEN BACKER super 8 Victoria.

absolutely the snappiest1 motor I ever drove. If vou want a car that has "It," this is It. This car Is brand new. at tremend. sacrlf.

Will take car In trade. 1519 S. Flgueroa. Sedan for Sale 40-D AUBURN 8-77 spt. aedan.

'2T. Spec. steel wneeis. nickle rims. $376 dn AndrewsAAtiflrewa, 1051 w.

Washtn Buick 1926 Brougham Master Gold Seal. Original J-tone nnisn. only 81450. G.M.A.c. terms.

HOWARD AUTOMORII.K CO. 13ti7 80, Flgueroa, WE, 6012. BUICK Master brougham 'S7. nearly brand new ear. little mileage.

Has pumpers, spec, trunk, every extra. Will sacr. at tremend. barg. $1385.

Accept old car In trade. Easv payta. bal. at only 7T. 507 8.

Flow ver. Buick 1927 Sedan Master 6 7-pass. Gold Sesl. Run but Utile. Liberal G.M.A.C.

terms. HOWARD AUTOMOBTLE CO. 1367 Ho. Flaueroa. WK 101 BUICK sedan, master 8.

Wonderful cond. Cannot be told from brand new. Every extra, bumpers, shocks, etc New Duco finish. Price $985. Henry B.

Ayera, 1237 So. Flgueroa. Buick 5-Pass. Sedan New maroon duco finish, new tires, real value. $685.

Terms. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO. 1020 80. Flgueroa. WE.

5661. BUICK Master sedan, latest 1926 series. 4 -door, (-passenger, lust like brand new car. Must sacrifice today Easy payts. argd.

$200 down, only on baianc. 607 g. Flower st. BUICK. Don't bur a Buick closed car or any otner late stand, make cloned car before coming to 1133 S.

Grand. We have ever 310 new' anil nearlv new car bare. Moat llh. tms. In I.

a BUICK Milter $aedan. late Nearly br. new car. 4 -door, i-pass. Most at once, accept old rar In trade.

Eaav pavte. arrgd, 9275 dn. Balance onlv 607 8 -FiPwer- BUICK Master sedan, except ionaliy clean, ha sweel motor, sll good tires, wonderful value. Price 8475. i Henry 11, Avers.

1287 P. flgueroJv Buick "6" 1924 Sedan Fine finish snd tlree. Onlv 8691. J. llltJB.J igqerot tjl it., rio. nergain. Herod, HE. 2111. Nltea.

gWAPS All Boris. 80 ACRES 80 or 40. level land, ISO for acre, iiair trade, little casn, i nrs. drive, blvd. all the way.

Address nox is, -limes omce ACRE with crop of alfalfa. $2300 at Reseda. 2 lota Riverside Drive, want small fixtures, auto or eastern, bvuhbi. AUTO WANTED 13750 trust deed pays ner all Qua IS mos Want late model Cadillac. Packard or Lincoln.

Will twv difference tn cash. Phone- AJ893. AUTOMOBILE. 1924 -cyL sport, val ue ifuo. to exchange lor oriental ladles' fur coat, oil paintings or diamond.

Address' N. box 14. limes urnce, BEACH house rent. with aar. Trade for diamonds, truck, what: No real estate, GRIFFITH.

GR. 6168. 151 No. Western, Bungalow Court Sacrifice Fine stucco 7-famlly. annual rent $3120.

Will aell or trade. Whal have you? Bal. easy trema. Owner on premises. 14 N.

van iNeas 8outh Hollywood. GTU 4492. BUNGALOW. i-'iiM. ENGLISH STUC-CO WILL ACCEPT AUTO OR JA? lX-yiOi-S.

AiiilZaj CABIN alto, clear, close to L. A Playgrounds. Trade for light delivery car. rA6454. Cadillac, lata ian.

$-p. win trade equ.ty for lighter oar or what? King. HE. 8114, Nights. WH.

128? nAu.M,K snort, iaie overbid. -4 raue lor joro. KM.71?, CTATTlBue fur-linad overcoat. Peraian collar, size 42, lor closed car or wnatr Also income lot equity, close studio city, xa w. coiiingwood', ail aegunoo.

CONTRACTORS Have $6800 equity In store bldg. on cor. lot valued at $7500. Mtg. $1700 Want you to build dbl.

bungalow for equity, w. Boniuieis, Jiit urlgtit on aye, DIAMOND dinner ring, 6 carats. Want clear lot. good closed car. Jenklna.

8001 Santa Honica Blvd. HE. 9209. HE.9S09. DIAMOND, perfect stone.

In modem mounting, value sauu. win swap for stock, boims or 6 mos. lease on apts, HO, EQ. $1200 l- acre Wooland Park, bal. 8500.

$13.50 per for whal. sill Hlhemtan mug. 'I li. 167U. conf.

A aand. ahon In thea ter, win aell or exch. an or part int. xiuuo 6200 qow n. no.

ezii. GARAGE Good established business. Will trade for house. 1192. HOME A income.

80th A St. Andrews. want home, southwest. KO. 1173 HOUSE, good 5-rra.

mod. bung, on Curtis, near Main Alhambra. to exchange for good late model car. Ph. Morgan.

TR. 4021. or VE. 8270. HOUSE, 7 clear, Los Robin Pasadena.

value $10,000. wtll trade and assume. SADICOFF, 617 H. W. Hellman Bldg.

TR. 7298. LOT. $1000 equity. $2760.

Studio City. cnnice property. tiooa nit. cabin, cni' ken ranch, dlam. or 7 PL.

LOT eq. $960. WeBtwoud diet. Small pat, for car or? TH. 5374.

LOT A cash for late model Franklin. im. Z6. aier Sunday NASH '34 coupe sedan, pink of con dition, for equltv late model cabrl oiet or senan, ve. izib.

TYPEWRITER, absol. A-l. $95 val want phono. HO. 7602 ber.

11 WILLS ST. CLAIRE sedan, one of America's fine automobiles. Like new Exchange for t. d. uien.

1748. HAVK 1U-UIS1T I ULMT IN Hollywood. Will exchange $18,000 equity, aubiect to 1st mortgage onlv. for good automobile equities or clear automnhllea. or for growing busi ness or manufacturer's patent, or what have you? Call Mil.

NUN- 1V4I.T.V TR OPPOKTUN IT Real proposition for live party. Exclusive aisirinuior, contract for Calif. R. A G. Natural Mineral Water.

Including 140 cases water. Sale or trade. Address box 149. Times Office, HAVE residence A Income property. Trade for improved or unimproved rancn from 850UU to izojiuu.

ut stack m.riri 1 acre! Van Nuys. imp. $8600. Eq, 12500. Want bungalow, lot or lau car A cash.

OWNER. '063 Balboa Tan Nuys, 125 FT. corner on wide blvd. Will con-l elder grand piano, ruga or good fur-. niture.

Price $7500. win carry bal. trREYNOLDSlp524 JWPlco. WANTED COUPE OR ROADSTER to value of $660 In exch. for elearl lot at Manhattan Reach, same val ue.

Addres M. box 08. Tim ea Office, 20 A. nr. Fontana on Foothill Blvd.

Grapes. 8 yrs. old, A-l cond. sen or trade. $15,000.

OX 7879. 1220 SO. SHENANDOAH. $5060 EQ. 5 rm.

Span. bung. Bev tins. 4 lots. no.

or wnsnire. izuuo cash req. Clear, lot, aore, what? Tor eq. Vblib, CEeAR acres and lots to trade for diamonds, car or smau bus. Address box 145, Times Ci lice PALOSV-RHDES res.

lot S0x94, my equity sioou. wnat nave you Ad- qress p.p. box 1006, Ktation ci FOR sale or trade, your choice of two 6-ton Moreiand dump trucks lor car. 241 west 77th. TRADE your hard-to-carry equities for good acreage, A.

co. or clear iota. 2 1 5 union League Bldg. 2nd A hiii, WANT No. Oregon or Waah.

for $2600 eqt. In 7-rm. home Koss- moyne, Glendale. Glendale 1748, 6-rm. mod.

Colonial, nr. car A school. Hedu. jiooo. Will take small rash car lot.

RhI easv. TO. 4628 TRADE 2 lots In Hawthorne district for stock of groceries A dry goods 1 1 a g. jtiAiw bt APARTMENT hse. prop.

Furn. com. pieie. ijot worth wnat asking Tor an. small exchange con.

MU, 8784 DOWNTOWN basem*nt $5000 ci. want auto, what? No rl. estate. GR. 5168.

151 N. Western. DANDY STUCCO A 6 ACRES ON HLVO. Li. A.

CO. HE ID, 110 W. r.r FEKoPN. HU. 4 i ti.

40-A. clear land. N.M. 80 A. Colo, tor equity.

JUcNUUTY. Cecil Hotel. S5000. 8. Trust Deed, due 10 to exch.

for high-class car. HE. 7169 6-RM. new stucco small hank for auto, lot, T.D. OL 81.93.

LARGE lot nenr Firestone nlnnt. Sao- rlflce for car or what? 6928S0. $7500 EQ. double Bev. Hills.

Want nrst paper A clear lot. RO. "772. PLAYER piano, value $400. for '26 oro senan or wnat? ill.

4:191. 5-tube radio, like new, for elec. porL sewing machine. OR. 2783.

GOOD LOT EQ. FOR LIGHT CAR OR WHAT HAVE YOU? UN. 5 492 WHAT have you for $2000 eouitv in Bjtitio moq. nunagiowr no. seas.

DEAUVILLE Beach Club membership. traoe tor 'as cnev. coupe, ok. 84ii. mod.

atiicoo. lg. Int. Take out-of- town lot, car or 7 Din. 8658.

Owner. CLEAR cpe. A lot for $2700 clr. lot L. NO agtB.

6073. DBLS. $8500 nr. Pico A for cn. a fruit ranch, own.

6227 Vldette NEW -rm. atucco hung. $5400. for lots or wnait owner, ub 9908, AUTOMOBILES' AUTOMOBILES, ETC. Mlseellaneous 40 MADDUX Lincoln Agency BARGAINS Lincoln Snort Roadster.

Lincoln Le Baron Sedan. Lincoln Juflklns Berlins. Lincoln 6-pass Sedan $1660 Lino. 7-P. Sedan (4-whl.

brakes) $3350 Lincoln Judkins Berlins. Lincoln 7-P. Tour. Cal. too.

$975 Lincoln 7-P. Touring. utner Makes Cadlllao 63 phaeton 11150 Cadlllao 7-P. Suburban (de luxel $1250 SerleB Chrysler 70 Studehaker Rdstr 19X5 Harmon de luxe tied. -Llmo.

$1295 A-eer-inn V.OUPO 14-wni. brks. lr. Steams-Knight 2-P. Coune.

$676 MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM uru. liLL 9:30. Maddux, Inc. 1059 S. Fig.


GL. 8174. The. Hou se of i f-Itour Service. Falcon Knights NEW 1928 MODELS Coupe Road.

Brome SEDAN LANDAU Brand new. never driven. $20fj dis count. Ir.asy terms. 3.

W. I.EAVITT CO. 800 W. Pico. CADILLAC TOWN CAR fine condi tion 8500.

Am going to sen it this week price will be reduced $eQ each dsy until eold if I have to give it away. Real bargain for rent aervice or for anyone desiring rar that requlree A driver. Phone VAndlke Cook's Daily Specials 28 Essex coupe $18i dr, '27 Oakland landau cpe. 215 dn Pontlao coupe 150 tin '26 Overland 8 roach 115 dn H. COOK.

1129 So. gueroa. CADILLAC. Coupes. Sedans.

Sedana fer Hal 40-D CADILLAC aedsn. 1929 series, verv latest, driven onlv 2t00 actual mil Hse special wire wheel eouipmeni. Fender well mountinga. Will aell thle beaut, car at tremendoua sacr. Accept car in trade.

Eaav pavts CADILLAC sedan, t-naaa very latest '28 series. "The last word." Brand new. onlv run few mile. Has wire wneeia. man extras.

Must sacr. at a tremendous discount. Terma can be jsjrrjd. $75. downJt? 8.flg.ueroa CHANDLER '26 SEDAN Looka Ilka new.

tires sre new. Guaranteed 90 days. Onlv 3200 down. Kollev Kr 1334 8. Flgueroa cHaNdITER Metro aedan.

19J6. equipped and guar. Power and roaa anility cannot oe equalled. Herbert COjJ70J S.Flg'ros.WE.4S:6 CHEVROLET landau, good tires, looks like new. $495.

BALDWIN'S LOT. 1124 8. Flgueroa CHRYSLER 60 sedan, very hTteat "aer '21. cannot oe told irom brand new oar. Has leather uoh.

Fully equlpt. Must siicrifli $785. Can arrange terms $176 down. 642 S. Fiauema.

CHRYSLER "70" sedan '27. Cantiot be toiu from new rar. nss nsd wonderful care. Very little mileage. Must saariftco today.

$1085. Terma ar-ranged. $250 643 8. Flgueroa. CHRYSLER 27-70 Sedan.

New tlrca. finish like new. run only a few miles. Must sell. Only $275 dp.

Kelley Kar 1334 8. Flgueroa. Chrysler '26 Model 60. A beauty. New balloons.

1 reer-Robbl ns. 10 15 i u.f roa. CHRYSLER "13" town aeiian. brand new. onlv driven tew ml.

Fullv eupd. Has many extras. Sacrltlce beautiful rar 8360 down. 642 S. Figueroa.

CllRfSLER 60 4-door aotlan. "'27. just take vp oiu contract. 50 mo. vv.

i'ico. kVELaND 6 sedan. 1924. One-shol oiling, new tires, beautiful duco fin Ish t.iiaranteed throughout. Terms.

Herbert Co. 1110 S. Flower. WE.0232 CLEVELAND T4 3-dooK uptioiriinlsh. niotor good sliKpe.

8186. WHJ48. DODGBcTass A de luxe'sedan. 1828- 27 like brand new. Has special trunk A rack, everv extra.

Sacrifice, tremendous bargain. $895. ayrni" ajTgd. 50 JS, Flo we r. DODGE business man's sedan '26 a'annot lie loid from new.

lias verv little mileage. Must siu. $545. Tms. arrgd.

$1 J5 down. Figueroa. DODGE 1926 SEIjflS'. $550." TiCFHENRKRG atr. 8 aedan.

cond. 6 wh. tires. $'i00 down. HARVEY GOODWIN, 1047 8.

Olive FRANKLIN 11-B sedan, new car. never realat. Must be aold. Will aacri tv mull Muannlla. WE.

2703. HUDSON aedan '28. Brand new. neve run a mile, wining to aacrince at a trem. also, win accept car in traoe Terma oan be arranged.

$295 down Call at once. $42Squth4Figurpa, HUDSON de luxe brougham. 1926 se via. lik hi n.w car. Ill HW.

I III- co finish. Blflex perfect tire equip. Bacr. Easy payts. arrg.

a ion oniv 7s on oai. ev i.oL rivwri. HUDSON Murphy brougham, verv lat est series '26. una. nnisn.

many ex Ira. 1-Mb r.a h.l hall WOnderfu care. Must sacr. todav $685 Terms rrgd. $160 Oown.

6 42 Figueroa HUOHON 1921 nrougnani. one. im. driven only 9000 miles. $1095.

At.RRRTftON MOTOR COMPANY 1594 8 Flgueroa. Open eve. A Sun, huPmobii.b a soort sedan, very fat est series ijs. orana new. never run a mil.

Eouint witn wire -wnis, trnniW walla manv other exts. Musi sacrifice at a great big tremendous discount. Terme arranged. an creELjarJ liUiadiXaFlgueroa Hup. "8" Sedan.

$875 In excellent condition, good finish tires, i soot Hants, pumpers, etc. tTllia- a- riaueroi Hup. 6 Sedan. 1926 Rebuilt. Looks like new.

$226 dn GREER ROBBPN8. 4093 Vermont JORDAN line eight sedan Looks snd runs like new: fully guaranieea nv Jordan dtat. Hpeciai price touay oniv 9R. 1228 south Flgueroa. KlSSfct.

atralaiit 8. 7-oaaa aedan '37 Moat beautiful car in cltv. Has 6 wheels and tires, everv nos sinie extra, jituat saennca ow.t 1q85. $325 down. 642 a.

lguerc KlSNKlT B-dnnr aport brougham model. Cannot be told from brand new car. Haa orlg. many exts Must sacr. todav $885.

Can arrange lArm. ilnwn. R12 8. Flgueroa. KiSliEirscoans.

coupes. roasteraTlpte models, like new, at 40 to 60 off former prices; best high-class car values In city. 1068 Flower. LA SALLE- sedan, late 1927. nearly brand new car.

Positively perf. Must sacrifice at ohoe. Accent old car in trade. Easy payts. arrgd.

46 an Oplv 7 on bal. 607 S. Flower st LA SALLE 1928 lino. 6-oass. sedan side tires.

use new. i-nn Terms-trade. 1207 N. WESTERN ONCrif.fsI a-wtndoivLa Baron aedan very latest ser. '26, Cannot be told from nrand new car.

naa special duco finish. Wire wheels, trunk, every nnnaitila extra. Cost new over $8000. Owner must sacrifice at once. Terms can be arranged, $876 down.

Accept car tn trade, 04Z p. Flgueroa, LINCOLN 3-wlndow Le Baron eedan 'at. annot ne toio irom orana new car. Hag verv little mileage. Ftmv eoulnped.

Must sacr. at once. Will accept car in trade. Pavta. can be arrgd.

$885. down. 643a. Figueroa LINCOLN town car sedan '24-' 26 mod, Thlg car has been onven very lime. Has original finish, balloon tires, fill lv equipped.

Taken on trade, cannot use. win sacrince toaav tiuu. Lincoln I Baron sedan, Latest '26 In new ear cond. Must be seen te appreciate. Wonderful val.

oo on Harmon-Atwood, 3116 wasn't n. LINCOLN Sedan 1926. 5-oass. Le Bar on body, 6 new tires, private ptriy. "in sac.

8332 LINCOLN 1928 Le Baron sedan. Car haa been in storage 8 mos. $4086. Terms-trade. 1207 N.

LINCOLN '27 Le Baron sedan, driven 1300 miles. 8 int. Bxcn. HAHVEYGOD.INJ10iJS..P!lve.. I.oriiMOHH.k: sedan.

8-66. reilnlelied. '28 model. Only $376, terms. 1630 3.

FIGUEROA, WE, 9414 Marmon "Late" Sedan Beautiful Duco finish, new tires many extras. $1185. Terms. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO. ln-'O Kn Fl.uarna.

WE. 5661. uatiMom a2 luxe Bnort club setlan. late 1924. Has spec, uueo nai-loon wire vbl.

bumpers, soe-cial trunk, every ext. Original cost nvar $4000. will aacrince for H4. aByermgrjfaJiujr.r ro Very late aeries. Cannot tell from new.

$1000 below mat. live oon. Kelley Kar 1834 S. Flgueroa MARMON 7-pass. sedan.

'26 aer. Has had wonoerrui care. erv ihiwiimib- aae. Fullv eouippea. nacruire 6295 down.

6 4 South Iguerog, "SiRMtiM LVrTLsTi 6-P. SEDAN Bun few mnes oniy. pprr to be a new car. Many extras. an.

Kelley Kar 1884 S. Flgueroa. MARMON 6-pass. sea. it sir.

cost new over 40ov. hcii sac. $585 handles. 6478 SUNSET.

STaRMON 75 custom built sedan 1927. nearly new. extraa, sic. una. 220 W.

PICO. WE. pT8a, MOON sedans de luxe, cutom built 2S eertes; 6 brand new ears, never anv- en or 327K down, balance It to 18 months. Cn, s.1700. Tnka vour bar In trade.

11SJ SOUTH ORND AVli MOON'd'-e'O '2rmod. 4-dr. sedan, fully equipped. Like new. bu.

lerms. 220 W. PICO, hi A kit Arlvnnc- a 4-door counn broush- am de luxe, 1Z8 nearly oranii new car. Has Blflex bumpers, speilal trunk, every extra. Will sell at tra- tnnfi.

ascr. sflxii. if.asv terms arrau. -at V18 PifiHi aedan. Run only 8000 miles, very latest model, sen at once, will accept car in trade.

Arrange tnia. i.mi picn. vit. vatv. NAHM HKDAV A hVANTM 6 l.alo perrect condition, rrice $950.

easv terms. 1111 icil vt vm RT NASH 1928 mod. Spl. 6 2-dr. Sed.

14.0 full price, tuny eouipt. lerms. 220 W. PICO. WE.

NASH late '26 spl. de luxe like new. OAkCaND '27" LANDAU SEDAN Run very few miles, latest series. Many extraa. Low price.

$226 dn Kelley Kar 1834 f. Figueroa. OAKLAND AiTArher. 6 2-doo'r sedan. unv.

oniy tew jniiM. win 8ao at once. Easv pavts. arrg. $200 only 1 on ba).

60.L. SJT.lwer. OAKIJtND landau ae'Tan. lateat 1926 aerlea, posltlveiv use orana new car. Perfect.

Sacrifice. $785. Easv navta. arrad. tl75 down.

607 8. Flower. OLDSMORILE Sedan, late '24. All brand new tires, oniy zsa. nmq B.

Ay res 1237 8, Flgueroa. t-. i i H.l Packard Six Sedan 1926 aeries 326. 8-pasg. Original condition, like new.

6 good tires, fully equipped and guaranteed. Mod erate down payment. Balance $51 per month. DOUGLAS M. LONGYEAR, INC.

Hollywood Packard Dealer. 7026 Hollywood Blvd. OR. 2194 PACKARD 4 aedan. driven onlv few miles, win sacr.

at trem. barg. Accn. car In trade. Pytg.

arrg. Hl onlv 7 607 S. -Flower. PACKARD 24 sedan. si.Dv.

terms. Like new, mecn. riant, Reo Motors. 422 W. 12.

WE. 546t. PAIGE t-pasa. de luxe sedan '27. cannot be torn irom orana new rar.

Haa ian vhula. bmpra. manv oth- mr aaeriflce beautiful car Hi Jut igerpe. PXunr-faedan, almost new. Will aacrince.

Inia le a resi pargain. Easy terms. 1223 S. FIGUEROA. Peerless 80 bedan Bla value.

395 down. wJLjLXTT Pig- Tierce Arrow Sedan, driven short dlatance. Ilk. new. liurrv If you want to see this.

81988. easv terms tvnn C. Burton. 1638 Tlguerns PONTIAC lit sedan. Make an offer.

Have nea it too long. 2M I. SOJ-WU KROA REO 1924 sedan, mech. right, renn like new. $400, terms, WE.

$111, RKfi 1824' Brougham, $500. "Terma. right. New paint, Extraa. ReoMot.ors.4 2 3W- 6 4 1 1 REO 1923 sedan, very clean, mecb.

right, extras. 8495, terms. Reo 13- WE. 8461, "Stearns Six. Sedan Ilka nsw.

Worm drive, trunk, i spares, Hoodve shocks, wind deflectors, etc. The greatest value in this town, but you'll have to hurry. Over 1J0UC Bavin- on tnia. JCIaueron. STUT1S snort sedan "isT Cannot be told from new car.

Has wire wneeis. trunk, every possible extra Coat new over $4600. Must aac. to dy $76l71dn1 843 8, Flgueroa STUTZ vrthHi aedan. '27 cannot lie told from new car.

Has verv little mileage. Many exts. Must sacrifice $1650. Terms can be ar- TanfejJ11.36.0. Whippet "6" 1927 Landau Shows little wear.

$245 down. EA.V ITT, CO.1 6 9 rVFIOyer WHIPPET LANDAU 1821. exactlv like new. Bargain todav. Will trade.

JfJJ AX-. Willys Knight Sedan 1927- "MODEL 66-A" Driven leas than 30tJ miles. Beautiful orislnal finish, fully equlnt Will give big discount. Carries new-car guarantee. Wonderful buy, Tnu.

J. VV.LEAVIJT C9-, WILLYS-Knight Club sedan, late '25. tnlg. finish, like br, new. Bmnrs.

spec, trunk, evai-v ext. Will sail at trem, barg. Easy terms $176 ha anca onlv 607 8. Flowei 'ft Greet Six Four some. Will trade.

Wonderful bar- -ai' J.N.litoaa'av.. willys-Knioht 7oa sedan $0 Dava Old. Sacrifice. Terms. BRQAPWAT "ReFuilt Nash Cars Don't think of buvlng a NASH CAR tin vou see the most bkautifui of NASH cara in Los An geles.

46 In all. Everyone complete, lv REBUILT and GUARANTEED. All types and models. Priced from $695 Up Small down payments. Will trade TROY MOTORS.

Nash Distributors 1132-34 So. Flgueroa. WK. 9833 Ceatheg for Bala 40-E CHANDLER coach. 1924, new tires disc wheels, rennisned.

Motor A-l Today's nargain. Easy terms. Herbert Co. 1110. Flower.

WE.02S CHKV. COACH, late 1926. looks like new. Extras and new car guarantee. $395.

Also 1926, very good, only $H5. llfn. Mnt. tnrma. Kenneliy's Chev.

Dir. 1153 S. Main Chev. '26Coach. $375 Runs perfect, balloon tires, manv 616 S.

Western. DU. IW CHRYSLER 70 coach '26. Looka and runs like new car. lias verv little mileage.

Many exts. sacrifice 3786 Terms $176 downs2 SjFiguaroa. ESSEX Six Coach, late Needs a little work. Bargain. Only $175 HENRY B.

AYRES 1337 FJgueroa ESSEX '2 ser. As low as $295 $100 reduc. Recon. and refln. Guar- New cara arriving; muat have room Hudson-Essex Dir.

1045 B.F'fueroa KSSKX six coach. 1926 like new. Kxts Flower ESSEX late '26. 30.009 ml. Owned hv mecn.

Take cpp. ami, car, dh, ita HUDSON '26 ser. lOof them $496. $150 reduo. ref.

Guar, New ears arriving, must have room, Hudson-Essex dir. 1046 8. Flgueroa. Ill l.out, jv.a. ruivm saornice.

Funy eauippen witn extra accessories, can Sunday. us Norwich. Dr-Wk. HUDSON Coach. '26 eer.

Good shape. Original finish. Price $395. Henry B. A yrns, 1237 Flgueroa HUDSON roach, good goou Mash iyb aov.

cjoacn Reantlfiil shape thrtinut. 3895. J. W. LEA.VITT.

ni9.SXIa NASH apec. 8 coach, -nearlv br. new, man Ia. afiax TnHv nvta arrs-. 1 6 5 dn.

r-- STUDEBAKER stand, coach. 126 reflniahed, mech. right, extras, 389i, ALBERTSON MOTOR COMPANY 1634 S. Flgueroa. Open eves A Sun.

Trucks. Delivery Carl 40-1. Gotf redson Truck Corp 2 dual pneu. lgt. dumps, late model 2 Heo heavy duty dumps, late model, 1 onnge uranam.

iaie moaei. 1 6-wheel pneu, dump, late model. 3 6-wheel Mack dumps, late mod. 1 A. B.

Mack dump. 2 O.MC. dunms. 1 fi (bial oneu. flat.

1 3-ton L.W.B. O.M.C. bargain 1 Gary light dump, 8300. 1 Mack chain drive flat. 3260.

Several others of different makes a prices that will move them. 1286 9th at. TR. 0866. See Goodwin.

Open sun, ti 11 Used Truck bargains Here ton long. Our loss. Your Ga'n. All Rebuilt and Guaranteed. 3-4-ton stake.

8480: 1-ton stake $900: Hi -ton stake. $1250: 2-trn stake. $700; 3-ton (take, l7; 9. ton, dual 31600: 3-ton press. $1800; dump, $1380, 3' -ton dump, $3000: 6-whl.

dump, 33000; 6-ton Moreiand chaa sis A cab, 31000. General Motor Truck Co. 1850 E. WASHINGTON ST. CUT THIS OUT You will save hundreds of dollars on our used trucks.

26 Pendell cyl $850 MACK STAKE r. $700 26 FEDERAL Hir -wheel fruit express. A-l, $3400 Other Wonderrui nuys. fa*geol 770 E. 9th St.

COMPLETE stock of used trucks at Federal Motor Truck Co 946,9. ALAMEDA. 1926 CHEVROLET TRUCK. STAKE HUPT. NEW TIRES.


Fin mechanically, etc. BALDWIN'S LOT. 1124 S. Flgueron KIM -ALL unbodv holse como ndTSSOO $775. Late Moreiand dump.

A-1 $1 100 for qk. sale. 1100 8. San Pedro uontiic late '24 oomii. I'anei ana ser.

6 p. pew tires $445, 934 so. l.a- FEDERAL 2-ton stake. 1927. 81375 Reo Motors, 809 S.

San redro. st aRes. must'skLl. $50 uo. 5061 B.

Hoover. VE. 4739 fin A II A. ton naneled lob. 1927.

1st class eond. Barge ln. WE. ,6855. REO 1925 stake.

$700. terms. Reo Motors, 809 Ban pedro. FORD ton trucks A deliveries; 3 Dodge Uly 1 Beo dely. 4 30 E.

7th st. Trailer 40-M PIKE trailers, S-4-8 wheelers, for ssle or rent. PIKE AUTO A TRAILER WORKS. 8415 Santa ave. Trucks fer Hire 40-N TRUCKS for rent, with or without drivers.

430 E. 7th. 0829, Automobiles fer Exch. 40-0 WILLS BT. CLAIRE sedsn.

on of America fine autoninb les. Like new. Exchange for T.u. ti en. 1748 CHATS ERS sport late rSa, over- hid.

Trade for '26 Ford. EM. 7193, Antoniebllca Wanted 40-r Wanted Cars For Cash Get our appraisal on yopr rar befo-e selling. This service is free to you, KF.f.t.FV KAR CO. WANTED FOR CASH ALL LATE MODEL CARS WE WILL PAT TOP PRICES.

LOZIER-HIGBE CO. 1.150 SO. FIGUEROA vVanTED: Late 7-Paaa. Pea. Excha for Ladlea' Hlsh Cluss Beaver Coat almost new.

Will nav cash differ ence If ault'd. Call Evenings. 3705 (- ST. JE Wj WANTED 4-cyilnder closed car. Must be In excellent condition.

Cash for proper priced car. Phone 691154. 13 to 1, and 6 to 7 p.m. "WATfraoo-ORDS' All models A types. Mr.

Rosa A. Nadeau 110O E. Slauson. WANTED, late mod. cloyi car or rds.

irom private nartv. uav an caau. Phone WE. 6276. Ant.

13. or brlna car where I work. 1134 8. Grand. WANT" Forda.

1928 'JT. sedans couoea. roadatera. trlirka. deliver lea.

Highest rash tirlrea Paid. See a Bat Fany s. p. Figueroa WANTED Good auio In exchg. for equiw in 1 mts panta Ana near 8.

Main at. Balance Owner ea 32850. Ph. Wakaileid 1418 evee. WANT lte '28or 727" 7-pasaenger ee dan.

Hulck or Naen. i all alter $2000 CLEAR JAjfT, For cloaert car of equal value. Call llnllenr-c-. TH lull WANTiaie model cli-eed car fo- my 3 lota, value $340 equity $160. Ph.

Ivor MrCray.C:R. 4411. WANT aulomohila for clear 60-rnot lt. valued at 13600. Mr.

Wood. Ti cker 4580. LATE MODEL CLOSED CAR Wanted. Will rcnaider ftcadatar 'all MR. firbuv coune.

rumble seal. 1927 or 2S model. 7-' wiacK-Hidg WANT auto for cement work. OAr- tfld Hall Used Office Equipm-ent BIG NEW COLLECTION USED OFFICE FURNIWRB OF EVERY TYPE. USED DESKS.


Uaed Office Kaulomnt 8tor Tcniponrv Location 733 S. SPRING ST. DESK SAFE. 119 W. 2nd Oilice lurnlture safe buyers.

ATTENTIONI1 Filing eoulnment is our specialty. On 2nd st. between Spring A Bdwy, 1 large stores packed chock-full Period furniture, safes, new A used 50 of our stock consists of used BUT nicely presentable feflniah. Priced in plain figures. We defy competition on our quantity and ahrewd buying ability.

You'll save money. BERVICW Is what we sell with every order, We guarantee every article regarl less of price or quality. Convince youiseir. 2nd st. for new, used safes equlrt AUCTION FRI.

1:30 P.M. 1849 W. ADAMS Several flat-top end typewriter oesKs, KurrouBtis. 1 WRles aOdlnK i safes, as well as check protectors, files, etc. Mnnv offlna chairs with lea, seats other office cnuirs.

LEWIS S. HART, AUCT. STORE EQUIP. "DAVIS HA9 IT- Htiowcases, Ire cases, scales, regls- ir. ice ooxes, ians, steam tames, ranges, atnola.

dishes, flrnrjirv. inun. ket, delicatessen, drug and cafe out- nis. ai used equipment. New emtio, factory to you.



880-86 Bouth Los Angeles St. GOOD values in used sates 4k filing equipment. B. nn.u CASH register bargains, all sizes. 214 K.

9th st. va. 9221. Easy terms. DESKS, safes, file cases.

ohaTfa. KKKftk W. 1913 H. Wain WE.6105 riXTURES. butcher, arocery aimoat new.

nrtre. bin Main. SAFES NEW AND UGED. TERMS. CHJSALX CAFE 4 MAIN, TyDewrltera and SnnDUea.

Adding Machluee 3S-B OUT of the hifh-rent diitrlct. Better typewriter for leu money. Prices from 112.60 up. Agency for all new porianie. Typewriter Inspection Co.

S2S W. 2nd. TR. 6668. BARGAINS "all makes" used and re Duiit, late rentea i mos.

iT.tu WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER 442 S. Spring. ME. 8442, ADDING, bkpg. mach.

ft typewriters not, sota, exch. L. A. Adding Mach. smsj a.

pLw i. tu, ih, TTPR WRITER by private party, clip. CTlftONA, 8S5; UeriT til tn 4nO ir tf Anna A. VVQ9. ADDING MACHINES, standard makes som, rented.

130 K. 7. TUcker 6686. Clothing, Furs. Etc.

J3-D SAMPLE furs 7-skln gen. sable piece: trimmings: ige. wnite fox. oyed neige. new.

4: coats Mm mrgr. pr. MU. 7970. 927' W.

Kensington Rd. CASH for ladles, high grade, used garments. Buys, ana Kens. 1620 6 1 H. DR.

1935. Will call. LADY buys A sells good used gar ments, lurs, men suits, etc. UL, 7875. 4954 Melrose ave.

Open eves CINDERELLA SHOP WILL PAY ASH FOll I'SKD GARMENTS OF HIGH QUALITY. HE. 3658. FOR sale. 150 hats, surnlua stncV goon condition, cheap.

Look them over ai 44ap a. western. UN. 4998, F5XES. red.

white and others. $10 no. j'ur coats nait cost. Room 421. Lan- kersnim Hotel.

io to 5 dally. Jewelry. Diamonds SS-B Diamond Bracelet Tremendous sacrifice, plat, diamond bracelet, center stone 4 carat. Held at the bank. For information ad- oress k.

box 43. Times otnee. DIAMONDS, all sixes, set In rings. bracelets, wrist watches, etc. Nothing but bargains.

It pavs to see us. MARKWELL A 302 Citizens' Natl. Bank Bldg. MU. 4249.

DIAMOND. Need money. Will sell my snuu periect soutane in beautitui platinum mounting for $350. FI.0619 D1A ring. 1 3-4 kt.

Pert, blue white. nacr. mo. fa. iivuu.

Address w. box 564, Times Branch. $25,000 worth of diamonds, will sacri fice for $15,000 cash. Open for ap- praisai. tu.

3 LADIES' diamond rings, ia. rnv. party, uu. lula Antiques. Art Good 33-F FOR sale, antique S-olece parlor suite.

nand-carven, rosewood. I'none Ml. 2718. evenings Cameras, Supplies S3-B Wanted, cameras, kodaks lenses. Peterson camera x.

ano o. siuwy. Billiard Tables. Supplies SS-L BILLIARD table, almost new. S51 American imssh beach.

Books, Periodicals 33-M 6-VOL. set "Outline of Christianity." new. cneap. After 6 p.m. E.

Mayer. 1139 N. Campbell. Glendale. Stamos.

Coins. Photos 33-F 15VIT. S. stamps. Series 1861.

Call til N. Eastman L. A. Flowers, Trees, Plant SS-B NO. of 30-yr.

Washlngtonla Fan palm Address pox 369. Times Brancb Lumber. Bldg. Materials SS-B TOILETS. $14.85.

Bath tubs. $17.50. uen. lumping cup. 400 to.

9. Houses, Bldg. to be Moved SS-V TWO frame bungalows, site 20x30. pain, not water neater, veniiv to live in. Sunset Blvd.

car. Silver ttivti. 815UU. Moved by owner. Ml7.

fi249. MOb. -rm. bung. 706 N.

State 1 3-R. mod. 418 W. 60TH. 1 3-r.

iwr. neo. saap tjurson. HO. 0305.

NICE dbl. bung. 243 W. 8 PI. Also aoi.

1319 tan reoro. ho. 0305. 7ANTED jfJiarsriitiiiT-xjuB 34 BOOKS BOUGHT HOLMES BOOK CO. 814 WEST 6TH ST.


DAY AND NIGHT, WILL HELP YOU WITH YOUK COPY. IF DESIRED. Metropolitan 0700, BOOKS BOUGHT Buyer calls. Rogers Book Shoo. 122 W.

titb St. VA. 9906. DESKS. 3 flat or roll top, also flies.

sates, casn. wr. nirscn. MUjSMis. WILL pay cash for stocks, office flx.

rest, eouipt, bu, 0732, ALL cash for rugs, piano, cf- flce A rest, eont, hu. IiESKS, 3 swivel chairs, typewriter, file A safe, cnbtnet. BE. 6135. WANTED USER OFFICE FURN.

A UL, HALSTEAD. 1Y HJliik- NEED furn. for several ofllces. Pay cash. MB.






OLD GOLD riiiiiNt. ruiu too LARGE OR TOO SMALL. A. RISKIN. 412 Loew's State 7th and Rdsv WANTED niamond arl tivprwapi ana ouier valuables.

Top ViiuH pain. MARKWELL CO. Unite 303 Cltlxens NatL Bnk Bldg. Cor. Mh A Spring.

MU. 4549. Wanted for cash Diamonds and Jewelry WEI.NSEIN 101 Title Guarantee Bldg. sin HrosnwBV. DlAllONDS WANTED" Snot rash.

No delsv. W. H. Kteln. DIAMONDS bought, sold.

exch. J. C. Ferguson. Haas 7th-Bdy.

DIAMOND)! bought for cash. M. Light 4'! penman lig. 7th-Snrinc. Just take uo old contract, 350 mo.

W. riCO. 3.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.